Gay Erotic Stories

Carl Teaches Me, Part 9

by A Shy Guy

I was exhausted when I got home from school that day. A circle jerk yesterday, and a locker room suck and fuck fest today! Was it only a week ago I learned how to jerk off? God, but it is great to be young, and vigorous! Not that Mr. Miller and Mr. Anderson weren’t vigorous, despite their advanced ages; I knew Mr. Anderson was thirty, he’d told us that in class once, and Mr. Miller was about the same. Didn’t Mr. Miller tell us that he and Mr. Anderson had been at school together? I’ll bet they used to do stuff like we were doing together all the time! I got some milk and cookies and sat at the kitchen table, eating silently, lost in my own thoughts. Mom noticed that I was kind of quiet, and felt my forehead again. Still no fever, so she was relieved, but gave me a worried look as I put my milk glass in the sink and went to my room. I laid down on my bed, put my hands down my pants, and thought about everything that had been happening to me lately. Wasn’t it wonderful? Yes, but why did it seem that there was something missing? I wasn’t sick, as mom thought. I was just confused. I rolled over and ground my pelvis into the bed covers, but I didn’t get hard, and I didn’t jerk off. I just lay there, wondering. About a half hour later, my older brother, Frank, arrived home and I heard mom talking to him downstairs in the kitchen. She must have asked him to try to find out what was bothering me, because he came into my room and closed the door behind him. He sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on my shoulder. “So, sport,” he said, “what’s up? Anything I can tell Mom?” “Nothing’s wrong,” I said, but he knew I was lying. “Come on, guy,” he persisted. “We ain’t got no secrets now, do we? You been messin’ with Carl again? Something go wrong? Something you didn’t like? Tell me about it.” My face must have reddened, because he latched onto that thought and pursued it. “So, what did you do? Jerk, suck, or fuck?” he said laughingly. “You can tell me. I’ve done all that myself, you know!” I looked at him and he smiled, a knowing smile. I decided to tell him what had been going on. “Sort of all three,” I said hesitantly. When his face lightened up at the thought of it, I rushed on, and told him everything. I told him about the punishment exercises in the gym, and about Big Mitch, Billy, and Henry. I told him how Mr. Miller kept yelling at us that we had to take showers, and so we did, but we got turned on by all our naked bodies, and then we were caught by Mr. Miller and Mr. Anderson during our circle jerk in the locker room, and how they fixed it so they could get together with us this afternoon for the very first real big-time orgy of my life. “Holy shit, man,” Frank said, “you guys were set up! Coach Miller set you up good. He’s always looking for sport with the guys. Big Mitch, Billy and Henry? He’s been after their bodies for about two years now. I know. They’re in my class, and I’ve seen him looking at them, especially Big Mitch. Mitch wears real tight shorts in gym, so you can see his package. He used to grope himself in class, and everyone would laugh, even Coach Miller, but while the others were watching his face to see his reaction, I was watching his crotch. I saw him swelling there, every time he was near Mitch. I saw him smelling him too - you know, leaning close and taking a big whiff. Mitch even smells sexy, all the guys in class know it, even the straight ones. Mitch turns us all on, and he knows it. But I didn’t ever hear that he did stuff. His two best buds were always Billy and Henry, but I never saw them do nothin’. They musta been jerking off together all this time! And they didn’t invite me!” Frank added that last part with a big grin on his face. “And Mr. Anderson? Well, that doesn’t really surprise me either, though, I never noticed him looking at guys in class when I was in his room. He and Miller hang out together. I’ve seen them downtown. They must have cooked this whole scheme up between them. Anderson must have suspected what you guys were doing that day you played hooky. He knew how horny Carl was getting, and he knew Carl’s older brother, so he figured Carl was doing stuff. He probably had the hots for him. Maybe that’s why he made Carl repeat the grade! “Miller was after Big Mitch, and Anderson must have thought they could get you guys in on the act too. It was his idea, you said, to send you to Miller for your punishment? Mitch and the others were already going. You and Carl and Ernie just happened to get into trouble at the same time. That’s why you got roped in.” We sat there, silent for a little while, while I absorbed all that Frank had said. Finally, I spoke. “There’s something missing,” I said. “What do you mean? You don’t like jerking off?” Frank asked. “Oh yes,” I said, quickly. “I love jerking off, and sucking, and fucking. But there is something else. Something missing. A feeling. I don’t really know what it is.” Frank lay there for a few minutes. Then he sat up and looked at me. “So you’re not really satisfied with this kind of stuff, eh? What you need is a real fuck!” he said. “Jesus, Frank, I just came from a fuckfest! What makes you think I need a fuck now?” “Not that kind,” said Frank. “You need a girl! You need to see which you like best, cock or cunt!” “Fuck, Frank, I ain’t never thought of girls like that,” I said. Actually, that wasn’t really true. I just didn’t know enough about sex, with boys or with girls, to have fantasies of any kind before last week. I was learning so fast, I was confused. Throwing girls into the picture might just make things even worse. But Frank was not to be set aside, once he thought of it. He opened the door and went out. He returned moments later with his locked box. Shutting the door behind him, he walked over to the bed and put the box down beside me. He fished into his jeans pocket for the key and with a grand flourish, threw the lid back. Inside were his magazines and condoms and other stuff. He rooted down to the bottom and came up with the magazine we had been looking at that first day - the one with the girl and the two guys. Then he had been showing me what guys do. Now he wanted to focus on the girl. “See her tits?” he said. “Straight guys really go for big tits, the bigger the better. Look at these!” He turned the page and there was this girl with a massive set of knockers. I thought they were gross. I liked the picture of the younger girl with the small tits better. Was it because she looked more like a boy? I wasn’t sure, but I knew I didn’t like those big tits. Frank turned another page. There were the two guys and the girl, the picture we looked at the other day. “There’s her cunt,” he said, pointing at the picture. I looked at it, but didn’t find it at all interesting. Certainly, it didn’t stir me up the way looking at cocks did. “No hard-on?” he asked. “These pictures not doing anything for you?” I looked up from the magazine. “Nothin’,” I said. “Pictures are no good anyway,” Frank said, tossing the magazine back into the box and locking it again. “Not like the real thing. When I smelled my first cunt, I thought I’d go berserk!” “You smelled a cunt?” I asked. “You had sex with a girl?” “Not sex, like fuckin’, not the first time,” Frank answered. “She wouldn’t let me fuck her. I didn’t have a condom with me then, you see. It was my first time. But she let me lick her pussy, and finger fuck her. That’s when I smelled cunt juice for the first time. And she gave me a blowjob, too, my first from a girl.” “And which do you like best?” I asked. “None of your business,” he said. “This isn’t about what I like, but about what you like. Now, I gotta find you a girl, one that’ll let you go all the way, the first time. It won’t be hard. There’s lots of them just beggin’ for it. I bet I’ll have a girl for each of us tomorrow.” “Boys, supper’s ready,” Mom called. Frank returned the box to his room and then we went to the bathroom to wash before we headed down to supper. If I was confused before, I was even more so now. If I was worried about tomorrow yesterday, I was terrified of tomorrow today! As you might expect, tomorrow came as always, and the day was relatively uneventful. I had really forgotten all about Frank’s quest by mid morning. Mr. Anderson informed Carl, Ernie and me that Mr. Miller wasn’t going to be available to give us our ‘punishment’ after school because he was called away to a Phys. Ed. conference. We were excused for the day. Carl, likewise, wasn’t available for anything after school because he had to go somewhere with his father. Ernie hinted that he was willing and available to do something after school, but despite his marvelous cock, I didn’t like him much. I needed to be in a real horny mood to have sex with Ernie, and today I wasn’t. I headed for home instead. I didn’t get far, though, when a car pulled up beside me on the side of the street. “Hop in,” a familiar voice called. I looked into the car and there was Frank. He was in the front seat with a dizzy blond girl from his class and the girl was driving. He had his hand on her knee, and she was giggling. He stuck it up her skirt and she squirmed, but didn’t try to make him stop. Frank pointed his thumb to the back seat and I looked there. In the back seat was another girl. Frank’s offer to find one for me was coming true, I realized. I climbed in beside her, and the car sped away from the sidewalk. “So, your brother tells me that you are a virgin,” the girl says right out. No small talk. She got right to the point. “He says you’re not sure whether you like boys or girls. Is that right?” I glared at Frank, and he just laughed. “Don’t you worry none,” the girl said, putting her hand on my thigh and sliding it up slowly towards my crotch. “When I get through with you, I just know you’re going to pick girls.” She took my hand and placed it on her thigh. “Go on,” she said. “Explore a little. Feel me up. I think you’re gonna like what you find.” By now, she had her hand on my crotch, and I was already getting hard. The car sped out of town and headed for the wooded area near Fox Creek, where Frank and I used to go swimming sometimes. I reached my hand up under her skirt, and she parted her legs and hunched her hips forward. “That’s it, sport,” she said. “See what you can find up there. Bet you’ll never see anything like I got for you!” She was tugging on my zipper now. I reached over and undid the button on my jeans and the zipper slid right down. My hard cock was standing up against my stomach, a large wet spot appearing on my white briefs. She reached in and took my cock in her hand and squeezed. I groaned. “Do me, boy,” she whispered. “You gotta get me in the mood, too.” I reached right up her skirt and found that she wasn’t wearing panties. Her cunt was there, and my finger slipped right in without even thinking about what I was doing. With my other fingers, I could feel her course hair, thick and curly, all around the opening, and I could feel the heat from her body. My finger was wet with her juices. I began to massage her slit, and she began to moan. “Oooh, Frankie,” she cooed to my brother in the front seat. “You said he was a virgin! Where did he learn to do that?” I hadn’t learned, actually. It was beginner’s luck! The car came to a stop and I looked out the window. Trees surrounded us. We were at the edge of Fox Creek, in a lonely sort of place, but there were tire marks, so people obviously came here to be alone. There was no one else here now, thank heavens. Frank leaned over the seat and looked at us. “Shirley, meet my little brother,” he said. “He needs a fuck in the worst way!” Shirley had my cock in her hand and was pulling the foreskin back to expose the moist head. “Oooh, Frankie, he ain’t no little brother,” she said. “He’s as big as you are where it counts!” Frankie laughed and turned back to his own partner. Shirley turned all of her attention on me. She tugged at my jeans, and I knew she wanted me to lift up so I did. She pulled my pants down to my knees, then to my ankles. I spread my knees as far apart as I could. Now with two hands and a clear path, she really started to work my cock and balls. My hard cock stood up tall and straight. It loved the attention. “Remember,” she said. “You got to do me too, otherwise, I’ll lose the mood. Now you wouldn’t want that, would you?” I made very sure she didn’t lose the mood. I had two hands up her skirt now, and placed my mouth on her hard breast, sucking at her nipples right through her blouse. “My, but you are an eager little virgin,” she said, pushing me away from her. “Undo my blouse before you ruin it.” I left her cunt and started to undo her buttons. Her breasts were large, but not like the ones in the pictures. Not gross. Actually, kinda nice. I undid the front snap on her bra and released its prisoners. She arched her back and thrust them forward. I buried my face in them, and then started to lick and suck at the nipples. She grabbed one of my hands and brought it back to its former resting place. I began to rub her there and without knowing what I was doing, I must have found her clitoris because she began to moan and hump her hips up at me. She also began to work my cock faster and harder. “Now,” she panted, breathlessly. “Do me now. Where’s your rubber?” A rubber? A condom? I didn’t have one. Shit! But again, Frank came to my rescue. He passed one over the back of the seat. Shirley grabbed it and opened the wrapper. She reached down and rolled it onto my throbbing cock. “There’s a good soldier,” she said, giving my hard cock a kiss. “Now, do your duty, man. Fuck me!” I rolled her over onto her back and climbed on top of her. I fumbled a bit, trying to fit my cock into her cunt. She reached down and guided me in. What a glorious feeling as it slipped in, right up to the hair on my stomach. I wanted to cry out in ecstasy, but held it in. I began to rock my hips, and thrust up and down, plunging into her hot cunt as far as I could go, then withdrawing again only to plunge back to the waiting depths. A couple of times I came right out altogether, but Shirley soon had me back in. She squeezed her muscles and the wonderful feeling mounted. I fucked her as hard and as fast as I could. We were both panting by now, and she had her arms and legs wrapped around me, pulling me to her, her head over my shoulder, her hot breath whistling past my ear. “Fuck me, virgin boy,” she said, “fuck me hard!” I tried to pick up the speed, but I was going all out already. And then I knew the climax was coming. I could feel the cum gathering, ready for that mad eruption that I had come to love so much. “I’m going to cum,” I said. “Do it,” she said, “do it! I’m ready. Blow your load!” And I did. I came and came and came. I didn’t stop my in and out motion, but I grunted and groaned, and groaned again. Finally, however, the fountain subsided. Spent, I fell onto her hot body. She hugged me to her and sighed. “How does that compare to doin’ it with a boy?” she asked. At that point, I couldn’t even think of boys. This girl and her tits and her hot cunt were all that mattered in the world. I was there, lying on top of her, my cock softening inside her, her arms wrapped around me. Our bodies meshed together as one. Our spirits joined forever. This is what sex is supposed to be! This is what was missing with Carl and the others. I was in love! But Shirley wasn’t. As soon as she recovered from her own orgasms, she rolled me off her, my soft cock in its plastic coat slipping out of her cunt, looking silly and feeling even more so. “You guys finished in the front?” she said as she shoved her breasts together and snapped her bra in place. She began buttoning her blouse. “Get off me, boy,” she said. “You’re wrinkling my skirt. Frankie? You done? Where’s that $20 you promised me?” I sat up and pulled the sodden condom off. I threw it out the window and reached into my pocket for a tissue to clean myself with. With Carl, there was never anything left to clean up. He licked me so clean I never ever had to wipe anything with a tissue. I pulled my jeans up and buttoned them. I tucked my shirt in and sat back against the seat. Now that she had done what she agreed to do for Frank, she wasn’t interested in me anymore, and I sat there, totally disgusted. Carl would never have done this to me, I thought. Even Ernie wouldn’t even have done this to me! Frank lifted himself off his girl, and looked over the top of the seat. He passed Shirley a $20, and I was sure he had another one for the dizzy blond he had fucked in the front seat. “So, little brother. How was it?” he asked, as he straightened his own clothes. “On a scale of from 1 to 10, the fuck was a 7,” I answered. “Not bad for the first one,” Frank said. “But the partner was a 2!” I continued. Frank laughed, but Shirley didn’t. She didn’t care, really. She was only in it for the money, and I was less than a piece of dirt to her. We all drove back to town in silence. So much for boy-girl sex, I thought. It was a hot act that left me cold.


49 Gay Erotic Stories from A Shy Guy

Alan, Part 1

“Hi Mr. Ferguson!” The voice came from behind me as I got out of my car. I turned to see who had called my name and there stood a handsome young man, about six feet tall, well built, early twenties, dark hair, deep set eyes, dark eyebrows, clean shaven face and a knock ’em dead smile. I didn’t recognize him and wondered how he knew my name. He must have realized this because he

Alan, Part 2

The rest of the afternoon I wandered around in a kind of daze. My son was gay, and I was going to spend the evening with his one-time lover. At least, I think they must have been lovers. That’s the impression I got from Alan. Maybe I read him wrong. Maybe they were both gay, but not lovers. Alan was so handsome. I looked him up in my son’s yearbook and sure enough, there he was,

Alan, Part 3

I turned the heat down in the oven and returned with the beer. That way, we’d have at least another fifteen minutes or so before the dinner would start to get ruined, and I didn’t want to stop and eat now. I wanted to hear more. I passed Alan the beer and he twisted the top off with ease. I nearly tore my hand open trying to take the top off mine, but I managed. We both took a

Alan, Part 4

Alan stood up first, and I could see the front of his trousers tenting out, just like mine was doing. He looked at me and smiled, then straightened his cock with his hand. “I’m starving, Mr. Ferguson, and for more than the food you cooked,” he said, “But we’d better eat some supper first, to build up our strength.” I must have blushed, because he smiled again. “You did say you

Biker's First Time

At the age of seventeen, I got a summer job that required me to travel some distance from my home. After a week of borrowing the family car, my father and I decided I should have a second-hand motorcycle, not a big one, and not too pricy, as I would have to pay for it from my wages. It didn't take long to get a suitable bike and when I drove it home that first day, I got more than

Bill's Excellent Train Adventures, Part 1

The railroad industry is in a very sharp decline: More people are traveling by car, bus and airplane, and very few are traveling by train. So, what do you expect? They decided to shut down the line that traveled through our town. Actually, I never thought much about the train until they decided to shut the line down, and all of a sudden I wanted to see the country by rail. I had my

Bill's Excellent Train Adventures, Part 2

We couldn’t have been more than a half hour from the railroad station in my home town and I’d already had my very first blowjob from a total stranger. Young, blond, handsome and horny, I had met the guy in coach, but tonight I hoped he would sleep with me in my roomette. This train trip was going to be a journey of discovery in more than one way. I’m gay, as you may already know,

Bill's Excellent Train Adventures, Part 3

If you’ve read parts 1 and 2, you will know that Frank had given me my very first blowjob, and I had just finished sucking his marvelous eight-inch cock. The two of us were lying side by side on the little bed in my roomette on the train. Just then, however, there was a rapid knocking at my door, and a voice calling. “Yes, what is it?” I responded as Frank and I hurriedly pulled

Bill's Excellent Train Adventures, Part 4

My balls ached! Since I got on this “love train” a little over two hours ago, I have been sucked and was sucked by a blond hunk from the coach, and also blew the steward who arrived at the door when Frank’s ass bounced on the call button next to the door as I was sucking him off in my roomette. I followed that up by jerking off as Frank plowed the steward’s ass. What an afternoon!

Bill's Excellent Train Adventures, Part 6

Frank was pretty fed up with Paul, to whom he had just given a blowjob, the guy’s first, as he announced loud and clear. Paul was totally self-centered, however, and had made no move to return the favour. Frank, in fact, didn’t care: he had gone through the motions simply to give Bill and Mick some peace and quiet to get intimate with each other while Paul was otherwise engaged.

Bill’s Excellent Train Adventure, Part 5

Bill watched through the window as Tommy walked away. Just as the train began to pull out, Tommy turned and scanned the windows. Spying Bill, he smiled and waved, and mouthed the words, ‘See you next time.’ Bill waved back. He certainly hoped he would connect with the waiter on his return trip, but that would be a couple of weeks away. The chance was pretty slim. He had managed to

Boys' School

Once the tour of the school was over, my parents left. They were in a bit of a rush, they said to the councilor: they had to get back to feed the dogs. You’ll be fine here, my father said. Sure you will, my mother said. We’ll visit every month and you can come home for Christmas. I just stood there, watching their car drive away. I was glad to be here watching their car drive

Carl Teaches Me

I could feel Carl’s hot breath on the back of my neck as he leaned forward to whisper in my ear. “I’m fuckin’ horny,” he whispered. “I got a hard on. Wanna feel it?” I shook my head, no. I leaned forward over my books and hoped that the teacher hadn’t noticed him whispering to me. I hoped he didn’t notice my red face either. I was new in the school, and tall for my age. At 5’11”,

Carl Teaches Me, Part 2

I ran across the soccer field on my way back to school. I was late, and the bell had already rung. Most of the guys were still on the field. As I got closer, I saw Carl with Ernie, another boy in our class, encased in a headlock. Ernie was thrashing his arms about, trying to get free, and Carl was laughing. Though I had only been in their class for about two weeks, I knew already

Carl Teaches Me, Part 3

What I learned by myself This is the third installment in the Carl Series. Hope you enjoy it. Carl and I got to my place just before dark. He picked up his school books and headed right out again. Mom was at the counter, starting to get supper ready. “Mom, do I have time for a bath before supper?” I asked, trying to appear casual, but really bursting inside with enraged hormones.

Carl Teaches Me, Part 4

Suck or be sucked? That is indeed a question! I had a great sleep! I dreamed about Carl and I, and what we did together yesterday. We were back in the loft, playing strip poker. We were down to our underwear when Ernie came in and asked if he could play too. Carl said no, but I said yes. I wanted to see him naked again, to see his blond hair enshroud his long, thick cock. Carl

Carl Teaches Me, Part 5

Carl was the first to react. Before I had even blinked an eye, he was charging across the narrow bank and tackling Ernie. Both boys fell, inches away from the water. Ernie recovered from this surprise attack quickly and threw Carl onto his back. Hi climbed onto his chest and pinned his arms with his knees. Carl tossed this way and that, but could not dislodge Ernie. Though a bit

Carl Teaches Me, Part 6

My First Condom It was hard to believe that we could have had so much sex is such a short time! Carl looked at his watch and saw that it was nearly 11:30. School would be getting out for lunch soon, and we were famished! “A quick swim, and then we can go home for lunch,” he suggested. Without waiting, he crawled to the edge of the water and splashed some of it on his face and

Carl Teaches Me, Part 7

We were naive to think we were going to get away with playing hooky yesterday morning. When our teacher, Mr. Anderson noticed that the three of us, Carl, Ernie and I, were all missing, he went to the office and called our homes. My older brother Frank answered the call to our house and gave the excuse that I was in bed, sick, even though he knew I was probably out with Carl and

Carl Teaches Me, Part 8

Whatever Mr. Anderson had planned for us, it would have to wait. It was nearly four o’clock and the gym was booked for the high school girls’ basketball team. One of the female teachers was their coach, and she would be up in Coach Miller’s office by now. The girls were arriving, we knew, because we could hear high-pitched giggling coming from their locker room next door. “Well,

Carl Teaches Me, Part 9

I was exhausted when I got home from school that day. A circle jerk yesterday, and a locker room suck and fuck fest today! Was it only a week ago I learned how to jerk off? God, but it is great to be young, and vigorous! Not that Mr. Miller and Mr. Anderson weren’t vigorous, despite their advanced ages; I knew Mr. Anderson was thirty, he’d told us that in class once, and Mr.

Carl Teaches Me, Part10

It was Saturday morning. I slept in late as usual, and got up only when my mom forced me. Chores, she said. I had to eat breakfast and then do my chores. Though my cock was at half-mast, I decided to wait till after the chores to have my morning jerk off, followed by a shit, a shower and a shave. Well, actually I didn’t shave every morning, and even sometimes when I did shave it

Geoffrey, Part 1

Geoffrey, Part 1 I saw him standing there as I stopped at the gas station on the edge of town in preparation for a road trip to our capital city which was some five hours away. I didn’t take much notice of him at first, not until he held up his homemade sign that read “Texas” and gave me a big grin. Just by chance, I had recently had a business meeting with a gentleman from that

Geoffrey, Part 2

Geoffrey, Part 2 By the time I drove into the motel parking lot, my shorts were up and zipped, and my young hitchhiker friend, Geoffrey, had his cock back in his pants, too. Not that he really cared. I think he would have stepped out of the car naked with a hard on and it wouldn’t have bothered him one bit. Still, he stayed in the car while I went to check in. I had only booked a

Geoffrey, Part 3

Geoffrey, Part 3 I lay there on the bed, exhausted from my strenuous activity of the previous few minutes. I still had a raging hard-on, but Geoffrey was sated and was quickly falling asleep. Thinking about it, I didn’t blame him: a blow job and three good fucks last night; six hours on the side of the road before I came along; then he blew me in the car; and now I’d just returned

Geoffrey, Part 4

Geoffrey, Part 4 We showered together this time, not in a sexy way, but just to rinse the cum and sweat from our bodies. We dried each other, and then dressed for dinner. Geoffrey worked the car radio as I drove to the restaurant, trying to find a station with Country music on it. He loved Country, he told me. At the restaurant, he told me more of his life in Texas: how he lost

Geoffrey, Part 5

Geoffrey, Part 5 Geoffrey was the first to recover. He reached down and peeled the condom from his now soft cock and dropped it on the floor beside the bed. Lisa turned and began to lick the rest of his cum from his cock. Freddy and I lay end to end beside her, quietly licking each other’s soft cocks, lapping up any cum that we missed in our moments of greatest excitement. Once

Geoffrey, Part 6

Geoffrey, Part 6 The video, which had been running unwatched but providing the musical background for our sexual romps of the last hour, ended in a loud blast of electronic fuzz. Gradually, we were roused from our stupor, arms moving, stretching, caressing, legs straightening, eyes blinking open. Freddy crawled off the bed and stood up. Three pairs of disinterested eyes watched his

Heat Strokes

Heat Strokes “It sure is hot!” I said to no one in particular. It was about three o’clock on a July Saturday afternoon. Danny, Ernie and I were lying on our backs on the dry grass under a large elm tree that stood at the back end of my family’s garden. We often spent time there, usually climbing the tree, or hanging upside down from one of its limbs, but that day was just too

It's What's Beneath The Surface

You might think being born with extraordinary good looks would be a blessing! Well, think again! My mother was a beautiful professional model and my father was a tall, slim, handsome athlete - a swimmer at college who almost made the Olympic team. They were a great looking couple, everyone said, picture perfect, and I was their son - a chip off the old blocks, you might say. When I


It was his eyes, I think, that first drew my attention just as they did all those years ago. Josh was just a little kid back then; an ordinary little kid; a kid in my primary school class. His eyes were large and deep brown. He had long lashes. I remember thinking that they looked like girl’s eyes. So beautiful. His face was round, and his hair was dark brown, with little lights of

Kyle's Turn

Kyle's Turn By A Shy Guy This story is a continuation of another story I wrote called "Meeting Kyle's Cousin". Hope you like it. Jim was still on his knees in front of me, and I was sitting on the john, exhausted. He stretched up and we kissed as we held each other in our arms in a cubical of the men's washroom at the mall. He had just finished

Meeting Kyle's Cousin

It was late Saturday morning and I was bored stiff! I had been sitting at the computer trying to finish a history assignment since nine o'clock, but I couldn't keep my mind on it. I had a tingling sensation all over my body, perhaps from the sugar in the coke I had just consumed, but just as likely because I was getting to be as horny as hell these days! The warm June weather in

Mr. Ferguson’s Birthday Gift

It was June 1966. I stood in front of the full-length mirror that hung on the back of my mother’s closet and looked at my image. I was dressed casually but neatly in cuffed dress pants, a button down shirt and my best shoes (bought for the graduation prom, which was another story, and not part of this one. To tell the truth, that night is best forgotten.) Brush cuts now losing

Roger and Ted, Part 1

Ted Baxter was playing street hockey with his friends when the moving van arrived and parked in front of the vacant two-story house on Stanley Street. Vacant, that is, until about an hour earlier when the new owner had arrived to take possession of it. Ted had noticed his arrival, and immediately thought that the thirty-something man who stopped to watch them play their game before he

Roger and Ted, Part 2

Roger was a bit taken aback. “I - I’m not sure what you mean,” he stammered. There was that feeling in his crotch again. What was happening to him? He blushed, sure that Ted could tell he was now sporting a raging hard-on. But Ted kept looking straight into his eyes. “I met you before,” Ted said. “I thought it was at State U., but now I don’t think so. It was in a dream. Weird,

Roger and Ted, Part 3

Ten minutes later, Roger was nervously fumbling with his keys as he tried to unlock the front door. Ted reached over and steadied his hand. The key went in, turned, and the door opened. A few seconds later they were inside and the door was shut behind them. “Want another beer?” asked Roger. “Sure, if you need one,” answered Ted. “Are you legal?” asked Roger. “I mean, I’m not

Roger and Ted, Part 4

Though the bed was assembled, there were no sheets on it. Neither of them noticed this, however, as they moved closer, first sitting on the edge, then falling sideways to lay on the bare mattress, their lips still locked in a passionate kiss and their arms encircling each other in a firm but gentle embrace. Roger was happier in this moment that he had ever been in his entire life.

Roger and Ted, Part 5

Roger, still in his dreams, shifted his body to a more comfortable position and slept on. When he woke in the morning, his first reaction was to wonder where he was. The room seemed unfamiliar to him. He rolled onto his back and found himself naked, under a loose sheet and blanket. Then the memories came flooding back. He rose and walked into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the

Tasting Donnie

Tasting Donnie I woke up in the morning with a smile on my face. I had slept like a baby, tired after working the evening shift at the Tasty Treat. Billy Butler and Chuck had shown me the ropes, as they say. I learned to make hamburgers and serve soft ice cream and, after the place closed up, I learned to suck cock, but that’s now an old story (See Tasty Treat, Tasty Treat 2,

Tasty Treat

Tasty Treat Believe it or not, “Tasty Treat” is the name of an ice cream outlet near my home. I used to go there every chance I got when I was a kid. My big dream, back then, was to get a job there, serving ice cream, banana splits, sundaes, etc., and getting to eat all I wanted when it wasn’t busy. I used to pester the people there, asking for a chance to work, even when I was

Tasty Treat 2 - Billy reviews what he taught me la

Tasty Treat 2 I could feel the morning sun shining through the open window on my naked body long before I opened my eyes to greet the new day. I had kicked all the covers off, exposing my long, lean body to the cool early summer air, and lay with my face buried in my pillow, my hard cock pressed into the sheets. I reached a hand down between me and the sheets, and found my hard

Tasty Treat 3

Tasty Treat 3 It was hard to concentrate on schoolwork, when all I could think about was Billy Butler, Chuck, and what plans they had for furthering my sexual education that evening. Billy had gotten me my job at the Tasty Treat, of which Chuck was the manager, and after work on my very first night, he had shown me some of Chuck’s porno magazines. I had never seen the like

Travis, Part 1

Travis stood in the doorway of the bunkhouse, beer in one hand, the only place, really, to catch the evening breeze and at the same time avoid the black flies. It had been desperately hot all day, and he had been working hard - yes, hard was the right word. He had been hard all day. His balls were wet with sweat, and his cock was hard. Hard was a damn good word. His arms were sore

Travis, Part 2

Travis didn’t have to wait very much longer. It was quarter to ten when the truck came roaring down the road, dust clouds billowing in its wake. Billy was driving, which explained the speed. When the vehicle came to a stop in front of the bunkhouse six drunken boys and men climbed out, laughing and staggering towards the open door where Travis waited. But they weren’t alone. There

Two Lonely Men

Two Lonely Men When I reached my fortieth birthday, I had been married for nine years, with two kids, but since the divorce two years ago I saw the kids only on holidays. You see, I was straight, or so I thought. Where I grew up, there wasn’t really much choice, not then anyway. There were what we called ‘queers’ around though, guys that dressed funny, and wiggled when they

Welcoming Dennis, Part 1

Chapter 1 “See the new guy over there?” asked Bill as we entered the school yard. It was the Monday morning right after Spring Break and sure enough, there was a guy I didn’t recognize standing near the school steps. He was tall, perhaps six feet, and well built, wearing a tight black tee shirt and jeans, his bare feet in sandals. He had dirty blond hair - not dirty, but you

Welcoming Dennis, Part 2

Chapter 2 At lunch time we met up with Bill in the cafeteria and made plans to go to my place after school. My parents both worked, least wise, since I moved into high school. Before that, my mom worked from home as an editor of a women’s magazine. She accepted a promotion and an office, and I had the run of the house till after 6 pm every weekday and most weekends. Once, when I

Welcoming Dennis, Part 3

Chapter 3 Dennis and Bill were locked in a tight embrace that was proving difficult for me to break up, and having Cissy pulling on my cock as a distraction was no help at all. Bill had sucked Dennis’s tongue into his own mouth and after a moment’s struggle; Dennis gave in and sucked back. Bill was a great kisser, as I knew only too well, but the bet was who could suck Dennis’s


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