Gay Erotic Stories

The Campground, Part 2

by EJ

My master led me back to his campsite and to his camper by my leash and by my balls. On the way through the campsites the other men often greeted us with whistles and catcalls as well as with approving and admiring comments. Master said nothing. He walked straight to his site and to his camper, opened the door and walked in pulling me behind him. It was the first I was inside the camper. It was more like a small mobile home. I suspected from the décor and the furnishings that master had bought it used, although it was in very good condition. Overall it had the look that no woman had lived here. It was rather plain and Spartan, but had everything that a guy would want. I had not known master long, but I already knew that he prized function and substance over appearance. If it worked, it did not matter how it looked. Once inside the door I saw the living area to my right. There was a couch, a chair, and a small inexpensive entertainment center. This center held a TV with a VCR player and a DVD player. Pieces of plain heavy cloth were tacked above the windows as curtains and short pieces of rope were used as tiebacks. Most of the room was open space. Master led me to the open space. He turned around to face me. His arms encircled me and he drew me to himself and engaged me in a passionate kiss. We kissed for a very long time, and we only broke mouth contact occasionally to smother each other’s necks, faces, and ears with our tongues. When the kiss was over, master unhooked the leash from my collar. He grabbed my cock and led me on a tour of the rest of the camper. To the left of the entry door and next to the living area was a kitchen and dining area. It contained a stove and refrigerator and a small counter with a few appliances. There was a small round table with two chairs. Beyond the kitchen we entered a narrow hallway along the side of the camper. A door along the right opened into a bathroom with a nondescript sink, toilet, and tub/shower. At the end of the short hallway another door opened into a bedroom. There was a large bed in the center along the outer wall under some windows. On either side of the bed were small nightstands. There was a long closet along the wall separating the bedroom from the bathroom. The room was barren otherwise except for a few leather items hanging from nails and pegs in the wall. Master led me to the bed and pushed me down and back onto it so that I was sitting at the end of the bed. He sat down beside me and reached over and fondled my dick and balls. I spread my legs to permit him to have easier access to his target. It felt so good to have his masculine strong hands working my goods as he was doing. Master stared me in the eyes through his sunglasses for a long time. A man of few words, he surprised me when he spoke, his hand still manhandling my nuts. “Do you know what you did when you refused to let me remove the chain and padlock?” I nodded. “Do you really understand?” he repeated. “I want you to think long and hard about that. I do not want you to do anything that you do not want to do or cannot do. I am giving you another chance at your freedom. If you stay, you will be totally mine. You must give up your life wherever and whatever it was. You will not go back. Your family will never see you or hear from you again. You will do whatever I tell you. Your life will not be easy. You will live here with me. You will not have ‘things’. You will be treated like property and not like a man. You will be mine to do with as I please. Do you understand that?” I thought a moment and nodded again. “Is this REALLY what you want? Do not make a quick and easy answer. I am quite serious about what I said. If you choose now to keep that chain and collar around your neck, you will never raise the question of your freedom again.” I looked up at master with my sad blue eyes and saw the integrity in his face. He was a man who said what he meant and who meant what he said. That sense of integrity made the man even more incredibly sexy to me. He reached out and attempted again to lift the chain from around my neck. Again I held his forearms to prevent him from doing so. “Okay,” he said, “I really think you need to think about this decision. This is what you will do. I am going to put you outside. You will be dressed only in your boots and collars. I want you to walk by yourself all around this campground, past every site and by each of the stations in the play area. You will wear a sign around your neck. I want you then to walk slowly around the pool. I want everyone to see you. I want you to hear everyone’s comments as you pass by. When you have completed that task. You will stand by the road at the end of my site until nightfall with your hands behind your back and with the sign around your neck. Only then will I permit you to enter this camper again and to give me your decision.” Master pulled a piece of cardboard from a drawer along with a marker and a piece of string. On the cardboard, he wrote in big bold letters “ABUSE ME” and then he tied the string to the upper corners. He hung the sign around my neck. In addition he made me bend over at the waist. He grabbed a butt plug from the shelf and attached something to it. I felt him grease my hole with some lube and quickly, forcefully shove the plug up my ass. There was not gentleness to it. It did not feel like love. The plug was hardly inside me, and my sphincter had hardly closed around it, when master grabbed my shoulders and made me stand upright. In the mirror on the closet door I could see what he had done. He had attached a horse’s tail to the plug. I look like a naked horse standing upright, the tail hanging down out my ass to my knees. When I walked it brushed lightly against the back of my thighs. “Now, get out of here, you horse’s ass!” Master said it meanly, nastily. There was no sense of humor in his voice. “Yes, Master,” I said quietly. I stepped out of the trailer to begin my humiliating rounds. As my master had intended and as he has expected, I was subjected to all kinds of abuse and ridicule as I walked around. The kinder men simply lowered and shook their heads. These men were usually the older men who had already seen much in their lives. Younger men hooted and hollered at me. Some yelled out to their friends to look at the “hung stallion” and then they laughed like crazy. A couple guys ran out into the road as I passed by and slapped my ass hard, usually driving the big butt plug painfully up my rectum. Of course, as I walked, the butt plug was massaging my prostate and was exciting me. My manhood stood fully at attention at I walked thanks to that effect. Therefore, other men would come up to me and slap my dick fiercely with the palm of their hand or take a fist and drive it up into my scrotum from below. One man threw handfuls of mud at me and told me not to shit on the road. Another creep shoved a rotten apple core into my mouth. As I walked I pondered my state and my impending decision. The rest of my life I would be subject to this kind of abuse, or worse. Pain would be a staple. All the good things I had, all the friends I knew would be gone. They would only be memories now. Comfort would be unknown, except the comfort of my master’s arms when and if he chose to give it. My only pleasure would be to know that I was pleasure to my master. I walked around the play area and the various stations set up for a master’s joy and a slave’s pain. The sight of some stations and my imaginations of how they were to be used sent shivers through my system. My ass tightened its grip on the plug with each tremor. I passed the pool and the taunts continued there. As I left the pool area, one naked guy came up to me and put his arm up to stop me. As I stood, he held up his cock and sprayed me all over my body with his piss, but aiming primary for my mouth. I did not open my mouth. When the man finished urinating on me, he motioned me to go on. He turned to his buddy and said, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” They both laughed. I made my way back to my master’s campsite. Why would I choose to stay? I would be crazy to do so. I had arrived at this campground in mid-morning just to check it out. I was only going to be a day camper. Now I was thinking about becoming the permanent slave of my master. Then it struck me: I did not even know his name! Why would I throw away my whole life for a person I had only been with for a few hours? Why would I give up everything for the unknown? Oh, this was crazy! But I decided to work through the whole task before I told my master “no” and left. I took my position at the edge of the road. I did not even notice my master peeking out the window at me. Was he that disinterested in me? Perhaps this task was his way of getting rid of me, humiliating me in the process so that I would never return to bother him again. Yes, he had had his fun earlier with this guy who wandered into his line of sight. The fun was nearly over. I was sure he could not wait until sunset to get rid of me. Occasionally men would wander up the road as I stood there with my hands behind my back. My sign invited them to do as they pleased, and some did. A lot of them seemed to get great fun in reaching down and yanking my dick to my knees. It had somewhat softened by now since I stopped walking. The butt plug was no longer teasing my gland. In my semi-hardness and with the warmth of the day, I actually had a manhood that anyone would have been proud of. My prick hung low and fat, my balls hung low and loose. A few jerked or squeezed those balls. Some squeezed with crushing force, using hands that must have done construction labor during the workweek. I would turn blue with pain and nearly faint. I also was given gut punches, nipple twists, butt slaps, whatever you can imagine. The sun set slowly that night. When it was dark, I turned around and headed for the camper door. I would give the guy back his collar and chain. I would head for home. I opened the door. He sat in the chair in the living room facing the TV. He did not even glance my way as I entered. I walked over in front of him to give him my decision. “Well?” he asked, “Have you had enough time to think and make the right decision?” “Yes,” I said calmly. He looked up at me without expression. I looked at him again. Slowly I knelt before him and put my hands behind my back. I bowed my head. “Master, keep me as your slave,” I said quietly. I could not believe what I had just said! After all that thought, after all that abuse, after all that rational deduction, I was letting my hormones decide! I was crazy! What was I doing? “Master, Sir, make me your own…forever,” I added. “I only need time to tell the office that I will be staying with you and to move my car.” “That will not be necessary,” Master said, “I already cared for it while you were walking. You are registered as a permanent resident of the campground on my site. Your car has been put into a safe and covered storage area until we can decide what to do with it. Your clothes and stuff are in the bedroom.” “You knew?” I asked. “Yes, I could see it in your eyes right away that you wanted this. Really wanted it. I wanted to give you every opportunity and every reason to decide otherwise. Somehow I knew that you would not. I knew you would choose to stay. I got your home phone numbers and emergency contact information from the office. I have already called your family and informed them that you will not be returning and that they should not come looking for you. It was hard for them to accept at first, but I think they will get over it. Later tonight you will write them a letter to explain it. You will also write one to your attorney and designate me as your sole power of attorney and manager of your affairs. We will go to the bank on Monday and close your accounts and transfer your investments.” “Yes, Sir,” I said. “For now we need to get you clean up. You are covered with mud and you smell of garbage.” With that comment, he reached over and took the sign from my neck. He put it in the trashcan. He moved behind me and put his hand around the phalange of the horsehair butt plug. Unceremoniously and violently he yanked it out. The sudden expansion of my inner ass ring sent searing pain through my body. I bit my lip and kept as still as I could. He grabbed me by the dog chain and pulled me to stand up. We went together as he led me by the chain to the bathroom. He removed the black leather slave collar and placed it on the sink. Reaching into the cabinet, he retrieved a small jar of leather soap. “Clean it,” he ordered. I gently rinsed off the worst of the dirt from it in the sink and began to lather up the soap. I scrubbed the leather until it was thoroughly clean. Master then handed me some oil and I oiled the leather until it shone with a deep rich patina. He climbed into the tub and pulled me in after him. The warm water flowed refreshingly over my filthy body and Master washed me thoroughly. He paid particular attention to any erotic areas: my groin, my nips, etc. He grabbed an enema bottle, filled it with warm water, and began to fill my guts. He had me hold it when I was full to the point of pain. When he allowed me to release it, the tub was filled momentarily with my bowel contents. He repeated this three times until the water released was clear. He then washed me thoroughly a second time. Master placed soap and rag in my hand and directed me to wash him. I understood this as an honor and I determined to do my duty as best I knew how. I washed him thoroughly, scrubbing every inch of his hairy body. I returned to his nipples, privates, and ass and gave them a second wave of attention. When I was finished and he had rinsed himself, he pulled me to him by the neck chain and kissed me deeply. The warm water of the shower continued to cascade over our bodies with a pleasant eroticism. Master continued the kiss and, as he did, he reached down and fondled my balls with his strong hands. I moaned with delight through the kiss. Master had me turn off the water and fetch towels from the rack. We dried each other with the clean fluffy towels. He took the cleaned leather collar and buckled it around my neck again. He found a small padlock and locked the buckle so that I could not remove it by myself. Taking me by the chain, Master led me to the bedroom. He stood me at the foot of the bed. He gathered some items from drawers and shelves and laid them on the corner of the bed. Using a hex wrench he fastened a shiny chrome ring at the base of my manhood. It encircled the base of my cock and testicles and pushed them a bit out from my body. Next he fastened a thicker and much heavier chrome ring around my sac just above my balls. The feeling of this ring was incredible when he released it. The solid heaviness of the ring pulled down on the sac and pressed against my balls. As I walked with this ring on, one of the effects of it was to accentuate the swinging of my nuts from side to side. Any up and down motion such as that when I would jog or even go up and down steps created additional pull and weight momentarily. This slight addition of pull and the pendulum swinging motion served to remind me constantly of my jewels. Master had a goal with the heavy ring too: He wanted to stretch my sac and give me low hangers. Reaching this goal would take some time given my age. Master surveyed his slave. “Tomorrow we will go to Pete’s site and have you pierced. Your nips will be pierced and your penis will be given a PA. The gauge will not be large at first, but the rings will be quickly increased over the next few weeks until they are the thickest available. You will also be tattooed and branded with my sign. The latter will happen at a public ceremony in the play area when you will take your vows of obedience to me and renounce your humanity and independence. You will then be fully my slave and my property.” “Yes, Master,” I said with my head bowed, but even his talk of this enslavement and pain was exciting me. Master pointed to a large dog bed on the floor next to his own bed. “This is where you will sleep, unless I want you. Tonight, in celebration of your new status, I will have you sleep with me in my bed.” “Thank you, Master. Thank you,” I said eagerly. I looked at the dog bed. It was clean and it looked soft, but there was no way that I could sleep in the bed and stretch my body to its full height. I would have to sleep in a fetal position in order to fit into the oval shape. Master led me by the chain around the end of the bed and indicated that I should lie down. He crawled into the bed next to me. In the warm summer night we lay on top of the bed covers. Master rolled me over onto my right side to face him. Lying on his left side he took his right hand a gently caressed me. Involuntarily I made guttural sounds that were not unlike the purring of a contented kitten. Master stared into my eyes and brushed my face with the back of his hairy hand. I smiled and momentarily closed my eyes. He began to pinch and twist my nips and I realized that this would be the last night that they would not be pierced. I wondered what it would feel like to have rings hanging against my hairy chest from those small knobs. What would it be like to have some one pull and twist those rings? Master pushed me onto my back and he began to work my nips with his mouth. I was moaning like crazy. The heavy weight on my balls pulled them down between my legs. The weight and my balls flopped back against my ass crack under my scrotum. Master began to fist my rod and it immediately stood fully at attention. He then crawled on top of me to sit facing me, straddling my chest with his legs. He moved his hips forward and flopped his huge hairy cock and balls on top of my groaning mouth. I opened my mouth and sucked in one of his balls and began washing it with my tongue. I then cared for the second and with some effort finally pulled both into my mouth at the same time. I released my Master’s nuts and, using my chin, pushed them out of the way. I stretched my neck and head up and out until I could grab the head of Master’s penis with my lips. I sucked and he was in my mouth. As my tongue bathed the nether side of the head, I could feel my Master’s member growing quickly in size and length. My mouth was stretched wider to accommodate the new girth and the head was pressuring the back of my throat looking for more space. Master meanwhile had reached behind his back and was continuing to fist my turgid pole. I concentrated on pleasing Master with my mouth but could not also wonder about the changes that would occur in my dick the next day. My mind wandered to how it would feel to have that metal circle in my slit. Would I leak out of the lower hole when I pissed? How would it feel to piss? How would it feel to cum? How would it feel soft and hanging between my legs? How would it feel to fuck someone with it in? This last thought I dismissed quickly as being immaterial. I did not know, but I guessed that my fucking days were over, at least as a top. Unless Master permitted it, I would never again feel my prick up another man’s pussy. I would be the pussy cunt that received the pricks. I felt Master move again and my mind came back to focus on him. He was rigidly hard and was withdrawing from my mouth. He swung his right leg over and off from me, no longer straddling me. But in a smooth, almost practiced motion, he took his right arm and lifted my feet under the knees and into the air. He placed his head between my raised knees and let my calves come to rest on his broad furry shoulders. His arms and hands came around the outside of my thighs and he cupped the front of my thighs with his hands just below my pelvis. He did not touch his steel hard cock with his hands. It was slippery with a mixture of my saliva and his own plentiful pre-cum. He directed his fuckpole at my quivering anus and, using the movements of his hips, Master slid the wet head up and down my crack and around my hole. He was teasing me to the point of delirium. Finally he began to press his flesh into mine and join us as one. My ass was sore from my earlier fucking and from the horsetail plug, but it was also hungry for its master and not as tight as when I had first arrived. Master slid into me easily this time. Other than the residual soreness, there was not the stab of pain. The guards of my entrance were familiar with this guest and relaxed to receive him. The fullness I felt when Master was totally in me was incredible. His sword plunged its complete length into my sheath. The thick luscious nest of hair at the base of that sword meshed with the furry covering of my crack. Master lay still for a moment, embedded in me. Soon the biology of sex demanded motion and he began to thrust. He was pounding my mancunt with full force and slapping his gonads against my ass cheeks. The weight of his abdomen came crashing down upon my ring-encased balls threatening to crush them without mercy. The force of his thrusts was so powerful that I was being pushed and pulled around the bed. The headboard banged against the wall of the camper and the camper shook back and forth. Over my moans and Master’s grunts of animal lust and through the open window, I could hear the call of the neighboring campers. “Fuck him hard, man!” they were shouting. “Drive that thing home!” “Make him be the bitch that he’ll never forget!” “Look at that camper rock!” Without being seen, we must have been providing quite a show! I looked up at Master’s face and then dared to touch his nipples. I ran my fingers through his thick chest mantle as he hammered away in my canal. I watched his face and saw increasing pleasure as I gently rubbed his knobs between my thumbs and index finger. “You can do better than that!” he grunted, “Get rougher!” I took that as an order and began to pinch and twist with a vengeance. His growls became shouts of lust. He leaned into me and our mouths met. Our passion exploded. I could feel him shooting his love cream into my guts. As his manhood spasmed with cum within me, my ass muscles tightened around it in a death-like grip. With that, my own meat shot its wad up onto our chests. As Master lay upon me, kissing me, and still thrusting, our natural movements rubbed my cum among both of our chest fur and into our skin. Master’s thrusting slowed and he lay still for a bit. Once in a while, he would plow up into me as if to complete some unfinished business. Within a short time I felt Master relax completely. His relaxation, as his heavy but contented breathing, told me that he was falling asleep. He was still lying on top of me, and his long, but soft, mantool was still wrapped in the warm blanket of my lovetube. My knees we against my own chest and my calves stood somewhat propped in the air supported by his shoulders. I freed my arms and hands and wrapped them around his back, holding Master close to me in a loving bear hug. He was asleep. I was at peace. We were joined together. It was a wonderful way to start my new life as his slave. I drifted off to sleep. Comments and suggestions to


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