Gay Erotic Stories

The Storm

by EJ

I had moved to this remote area in the rural area of the northern part of the state only a few years ago. Life had gone south on me. I had had enough of corporate shenanigans and enough of people. I moved here to be alone. I figured I was my own best friend. So I bought a good-sized piece of land and built a log home on it. A mile long lane led from the highway to the house and plenty of land and dense forest lay between any neighbor and me. The house was not huge, but very spacious for me. It was a rather typical log home. The half of the house that faced the lane was the living room with a cathedral ceiling. A wall of insulated glass and sliding glass doors allowed for a spectacular view of the property and access to a spacious deck. Heavy drapes allowed for privacy, if I desired it. On the opposite wall, separating the living room from the rest of the house was a huge natural stone fireplace. Behind the fireplace was a spacious kitchen and dining room. Above these were a very spacious master bedroom, bath, and a smaller guest room. Below the living room level there was a full basement. Here I located my "technology center" (my computers and home theatre center) and a fully equipped "play" space. Sometimes I wondered why I even bothered with the guest room and the play space. No one ever came to visit and no one ever came to play -- until the night of the storm. It was mid-winter and we were having a good one that year. It seemed to snow nearly every other day, not much, but it never got warm enough to melt. The snow began to accumulate to quite a depth, and the constant snowing helped keep the vista clean and white; a most beautiful sight. One Sunday morning it began to snow heavily and continued well into the afternoon. I had always believing in a well-stocked pantry. I had plenty of supplies; I need to go nowhere. So I sat in the living room and enjoyed the snow show. As evening approached the snow showed no signs of stopping. About mid evening I suddenly noticed a flash of light in the distance down the lane. It seemed rather odd and since I had been inside all day, I decided to get some fresh air and to investigate. I had been dressed in my favorite form-fitting 501's, v-neck insulated undershirt, and flannel shirt. I had messed around all day in my boot socks, too, so I only need to pull on my mid-calf black lumberjack boots and my parka and I was set to go. I walked through the passageway that connected the house to the garage and started up my Arctic Cat. I headed down the lane to where I had seen the flash of lights. As I approached the end of the lane, I could detect a vehicle with its four-ways flashing. It was obvious to me, as I approached the vehicle that it had skidded in the storm and had slid off of the highway, over the embankment, and into the ditch along the state road. I headed the snowmobile off my lane and over the terrain toward the vehicle. As I approached I say a shivering figure standing next to the car waving his hands and yelling "help us.” When I pulled up to the car I could see another person inside. "We slid off the highway. We need a tow truck to pull us out," the shivering one said. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm a bit c-cold," he said, "My buddy is hurt though, I think." I took a look inside the car. The buddy was bruised a bit. He had hit the windshield and was bleeding. Having earlier served with a volunteer ambulance association in a small town, I called up my training from my memory and began to check the buddy out. The bleeding made him look terrible, but I quickly assessed that there were no major injuries. They were very lucky. "There'll be no getting a tow truck tonight, guys," I said, "The few that are available on a Sunday in these parts will be quite busy on the interstates. We might get one tomorrow and we'd have the advantage of sunlight." "Oh, shit!" the shivering one replied, banging his fist on the car roof. "Relax," I said, "You're not going anywhere. Relax and enjoy it! Lock up the car, grab your things, and climb on the cat. We'll go back to the house and get you guys cleaned up. You can stay with me as long as you need to." I had actually come to the point where I thought I might enjoy some human companions, although I wasn't sure that they would be as compatible as my dogs! "That would be great!" the buddy stated. "Hurry up! Get your stuff and let's get going before you guys get too much colder." The two men each grabbed duffle bags and hopped on the snowmobile behind me. It was a large snowmobile, but it was still a tight fit with three men and some gear. They each held on to both bags at the ends so that the bags were on either side hanging down, looking almost like pontoons. It did not take long to reach the house and I quickly ushered them inside. I had had a fire in the fireplace all day. The house was warm and the fire was a cozy magnet for them. They both went straight for it. I took the shivering one upstairs to the bathroom and gave him towels for a bath. I noticed that we were about the same size so I offered him a clean sweat suit to wear afterwards. He seemed most grateful. I also found another suit for his buddy. While the first was cleaning up, I returned to the injured buddy to attend to his wounds. He was rather quiet as I carefully examined him again and confirmed my suspicions that he only had superficial forehead wounds. Carefully I cleansed the wound and applied an antibacterial lotion. I applied a waterproof bandage over the spot and told him that with it he could shower after his buddy was done. About that time the sound of the shower stopped and the first guy yelled down that he was done. I took his buddy upstairs and showed him where the shower was. I had been too caught up in the event to notice the people. Now that things had calmed down, I at least noticed the first guy and my loins stirred at the sight. The one who had been shivering was about my same size. He stood about six foot, 200 pounds. He had wide strong shoulders that tapered down to a narrow bubble butt. He stood with his back to me as he toweled himself dry. The back of his legs betrayed the strength and masculinity of his hairy thighs and calves. He had a full head of curly dark hair. A small patch of dark hair formed a triangle at the top of his crack, almost looking like an arrow saying, "enter here.” "Thanks, bud! That shower felt great!" With that he turned toward me and was toweling his head. My jaw dropped. Before me, fully frontal was a most magnificent masculine specimen! He sported a nicely trimmed moustache and goatee, accenting his chiseled face. Just over the crest of his shoulders, a thick, even mat of dark curly hair began. It covered his well-developed pecs completely. Even his nips were not at first visible. Below those massive pecs the fur continued over a tight six-pack. Here the fur seemed to narrow as it approached the center of his universe. It tapered inward, revealing skin on his outer ribcage, and became thicker as it went lower until it merged in a luscious manly fur-forest at that base of his manhood. With the warmth and moisture of his shower his rod relaxed and pointed south. Flaccid it was more than six inches and uncut. Behind it hung two large man-plumes in a very low hanging sac. The tops of his balls were below the tip of his dick as he stood there. "Catching flies?" he asked and grinned a broad grin. I realized that I stood staring at him with my mouth wide open. He winked at me and then nodded. "I'm warmed up now," he said, "I'll just pull on the sweatpants for now, if that's okay." I wasn't sure if I could handle looking at that chest all night without being arrested, but I decided I wanted to try! "Whatever is comfortable for you,” I said. "By the way, the name is Eric." I offered my hand. "Troy. Glad to meet you." Troy grabbed my hand with one of those mind-blowing firm handshakes that are not crushing but that in one instant communicate strength, masculinity, virility, warmth, integrity, and sincerity. About then we heard the water being turned off in the shower. Within a few seconds the bandaged buddy appeared wrapped in his towel. "Oh, man, do I feel better! That shower was the best medicine!" With that the buddy dropped the towel to his waist revealing his head and chest. The buddy was not quite as tall as his companion, but not short. They were equally matched in the shoulder width department, but the buddy outshone Troy in the guns department. Now Troy was no slacker. His triceps and biceps development was fantastic, but Troy's overall development was very symmetrical. It was almost as if he had read the Greek manual on the perfect body and had worked to make it so. The buddy had HUGE upper arms AND pectorals to match! He looked more in body style to a professional wrestler: a bit thicker in the waist, but still commanding a tapered form. They were both hard muscle from head to toe. Troy's body shouted "symmetry" whereas his buddy's body screamed "massive strength.” The buddy was also a blonde. As he dried his chest, the matted chest hair appeared. One might not even notice it because of its color, but it was as thick as Troy's. The buddy also had some fur on the top of his shoulders and across the top of his back. The lights in the room caught the hair and made it glow as if it were spun gold. "Introduce yourself, Todd," Troy said to his buddy. "Oh, yes. I'm Todd," he said as he reached out to shake my hand. As he did so, his towel fell from his grasp to the floor along with my jaw. He was just as much a man as was Troy! "Oops, sorry," Todd stammered and began to blush. "No cause for apologies," I said. "Not in the least," echoed Troy, and I saw Troy give Todd one of his now famous grins and winks. Todd gave me a look and I smiled. Then Todd broke out into a seemingly knowing smile. "O-K!" he muttered happily under his breath. "I want to thank you for helping us," offered Todd, "We'll try not to be in your way and to be gone as soon as we can. But if we can help out in anyway while we're here, just let us know!" "You're quite welcome. You're not in the way. You're welcome to stay as long as you like. And I may take you up on your offer to help!" I said, grinning. "Meanwhile, let's go downstairs and get some food. I'm hungry and I would be surprised if you two aren't also. There's some sweat clothes for you to wear, Todd." I pointed to the pile on the bed. "Thanks." Troy and I started downstairs while Todd finished. He soon followed, bare-chested like Troy. How was I ever going to survive?! Every time I looked at either one of them, I started to swell. It was a swelling I was hoping they were not noticing. Nothing overt had been stated. I was thinking we were all on the same page, but my gaydar was far from infallible and I had been wrong before - with very unfortunate consequences. Gauging from the size of these two dudes, I was sure I did not want to be on the receiving end of their wrath. I grilled some chicken that I had been marinating. Troy helped make some pasta alfredo and Todd, when he arrived, set the table as I clued him in on where I hid things. I grabbed a bottle of good white wine and put it on ice for after the meal. We had a delightful meal. We sat for a long time, sharing conversation. Troy shared that they had been upstate for a state collegiate wrestling tournament. Both had been wrestlers in school. Troy had been a quarterback for the football team as well, and Todd had been a defensive man for the ice hockey team. They were now out in the workforce but still shared their love for these sports and often traveled to games and tournaments together. They were on their way back home when they lost control of their car and slid into the ditch. They again expressed their gratitude for my coming to their rescue. I assured them that I was happy to do it and was glad myself that I had followed my instinct in investigating the flash of light. I presumed that I must have seen the errant stray beams of their headlights as they went over the bank. It was still snowing like crazy and the temperature was dropping fast. Had I not found them, they might have died from exposure. There really was no one else around for miles. I mean, for all I knew, they might have eventually flagged someone down on the road; but who knew what sort they would have likely stopped. All around, they sure did luck out when I acted on my impulse. I poured glasses of wine for all and we toasted to newly found friendships, for it was clear that we were bonding rapidly. The satisfaction of the meal and the warmth of the wine were combining to make us very mellow and relaxed. I suggested we retire to the living room to sit around the fire and to watch the snow. Todd and Troy agreed and eagerly helped to clear the table and clean up. Within a few minutes we moved to the living room. I grabbed three clean glasses and the remaining wine. My living room, indeed my whole house, was very masculine and very comfortable. The furnishings were very rustic and country in style. In front of the fireplace there was a large, thick bearskin rug on the hardwood floor. Around the perimeter of the rug were the couches, chairs, and ottomans. I had a number of huge oversized pillows lying around on the furniture and the floor. As we entered the room, Troy spied one of the pillows and tossed it onto the rug in front of the fire. He lay down on the rug and the pillow and looked very comfortable. It was a position for which the pillows were designed and one which I had enjoyed alone on many evenings myself. "Hey, that's looks really comfortable!" shouted Todd, and he grabbed another and lay down next to Troy. "Well, I certainly don't want to be the odd man out," I said, and I joined them on another pillow. "Wow! Is this nice!" Todd offered. "To think a short time ago, I was worried whether I would see a tomorrow. This is just absolutely great! It just doesn't get better!" "Oh, I agree it’s great, Todd," Troy offered, "but I think it can - and will - get better. Am I right, Eric?" And Todd flashed that grin again and winked. I saw him subtly grab his crotch through the sweatpants. Todd was facing me with his back to Troy and did not see his action. I was beginning to get hard. I had been smelling the fine man-smell of these two young hunks and when Troy grabbed his crotch, it sent me over the edge. My 501's were straining at the buttons. I could not help but let out a groan of discomfort from the pressure. Troy broke into a laugh. He saw what was happening to me and I could see he was going to make this a tease game for a while. "What's so funny?" asked Todd. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough," said Troy, continuing to laugh. With that he bent over and kissed Todd gently on the cheek, then caressed his hair. "Troy!" stammered Todd, "Not here!" and he gave Troy a look of disgust. "It's okay," said Troy, "Right?" He knew he was right. "It's more than okay," I reassured Todd. "You are welcome here. Make yourselves at home. Do whatever is natural for you to do." Todd looked at me with a puzzled expression. I smiled. I could see him slowly relax. Troy reached his arm around Todd and then kissed him again on the cheek from behind. Todd looked at me again. I nodded. Todd then turned his head and the two hot studs joined lips and began probing each other with their tongues. This activity did nothing to relieve the pressure in my jeans and I futilely tried rubbing my groin for some relief. The two finally came up for air after obviously exciting each other. The loose sweat pants I had loaned them were both well tented. "Troy, I hardly think that this is appropriate behavior in front of our host," Todd stated. The corners of his mouth betrayed a stifled smile. "I fully agree," announced Troy. "Come over here and join us, Eric!" "Yes, let me, er, us get our hands on you!" Todd urged. I needed no further urging. I had enough urges of my own. I scooted across the rug until the three of us were one happy pile of masculinity. Todd reached up and pulled my face to his and before I had a chance to gasp for air his tongue was down my throat. Troy was not to be left out. He leaned over Todd and made straight for my right ear, darting his tongue around and in the canal and then chewing on the lobe. Meanwhile Todd was using his left hand to pull my shirt out from my pants. After all I was the only one who was not shirtless! As Todd freed the shirttails from my pants, he quickly slid his hand up under the shirt. First he caressed my own hair abs and then pushed his hand and shirt up until he found my right nip. There his hand stayed for the longest while fondling, tweaking, and pinching my nip. I thought I would burst every button in my jeans! "Oh, enough of this!" I shouted and pulled away. The guys looked startled. I flashed a big grin and in one motion pulled my shirts up and over my head, tossing them to the side. The guys laughed, and I proceeded to unbutton my fly and kick off my jeans. Having removed my boots when I entered the house and not being in the custom of wearing underwear under my jeans, I now sat on the floor stark naked except for my boot socks. "NICE!!" oohed Todd. "VERY nice!" sighed Troy, as both men stared at my body and stroked their rods through the sweats. I must admit I wasn't in too bad shape for an older guy. You see, I'm in my late 40's, a geezer to some. But I had taken care of myself and since moving out to my hideaway home, I was used to hard, muscle toning work. I chopped my own wood, moved small boulders around in the landscaping, and walked a lot. I also had an Olympic free weight set and other assorted exercise gear in my workout room over the garage. "Well, men are you going to let me be the only one in this state?" With that both Troy and Todd, put their thumbs in their sweats, pushed them to their ankles and threw them over the couch. "Synchronized stripping," I laughed. Within seconds we were a pile again and there was a lot of poking going on. Our cocks were so hard they were like steel and whenever anybody moved, somebody else got poked. Eventually the almost aimless and random kissing, hugging, and cuddling began to slow down and we were sorting out our initial functions. I helped to "organize the event" by suggesting that since I was host... Todd and Troy were on either side of me, kissing me and caressing my body. I managed to get my arms under and around them and the three of us joined in a giant bear hug on the rug covered floor. I pulled them both onto me and our faces were against each other. I kissed each one of them and whispered earnestly, "I need you guys to breed and feed me." Troy grabbed my face and started to French me with a passion. Todd was kissing my shoulder and rubbing Troy’s back. I had noted at the showers that both guys were about 6 inches soft and flaccid. What I failed to mention is that both also had a great "coefficient of expansion" as they say in metallurgy. These guys now had raging hard-ons. Their mushrooms and shafts were purple from the swelling. They had to be a good 9-10 inches and, yes, they were quite as big as a beer can. I wasn't sure I could hand them, but I would suffer pleasure in trying! Troy released his suction hold on my mouth and began to trace his way through my own ample fur, across my chest, down my abs to my own throbbing member. There he paused to minister to its needs, licking and sucking it to delight. At the same time Todd was repositioning himself above my head, cradling my head between his thighs. He bent over and began to nibble and chew on each of my nips, my "magic buttons.” As I groaned with pleasure, he intensified his work sending me into the stratosphere of ecstasy. Todd then moved back a bit and with his hands gently titled my head back. I knew what was coming and I was eager. As I guessed, he held the sides of my head while he began to enter my mouth and throat. Good God, could I take him all?! Todd knew just how to do it. He eased himself in and out, each time stretching my jaw a bit more and going a bit farther. As he would pull out, I would grab a breath and try to relax my throat and gag reflex. Soon enough we had the rhythm right and he was all the way in me so that my nose was nestled in his ball sac and my chin was ticked by his pubes. He groaned loudly with the pleasure of my success. Meanwhile to my south, Troy had moved his concentration and licked his way to my puckered hole. At first his pointed tongue circled my hole at a distance like a beast stalking and teasing its prey. Slowly I could feel him close the circle until his hot tongue was knocking at my entrance. How could I say no? With that kind of intense attention I was getting wet. Not only was Troy lubricating me with his saliva, I was generating a bit of butt juice myself. My hole started to quiver in anticipation and to slowly open up and invite Troy to explore more deeply. His tongue began to dart in and out of my hole and I was hungry for more. I paused long enough with my work with Todd's prick to gasp to Troy to check the draw in the end table for lube and condoms. Living alone I often wondered why I even bothered to keep some there. Well, I had been a Boy Scout and their motto is "Be Prepared.” Tonight was one night I was happy I had learned the lesson well! Troy stopped just long enough to fetch the items from the drawer. It was close enough that he could stay where he was at and reach it. Not only did he not have to change position much, but also it afforded him a chance to replace his tongue with his middle finger and finger fuck me. He really had me going! I heard the condom package tear. No way could I see it! All I was seeing was Todd's ass behind his balls and most of that view was a mighty fine close up. I then felt a glob of lube pressed against my chute and a finger, then two, working it in. At first the coolness of the gel was a bit of a shock, but Troy soon warmed me up again. "Uck e, an! uck e ar!" was all I could manage with Todd's shaft working my throat. Troy got the picture. He knew I wanted him bad. He knew I was begging to be fucked and fucked hard even if I could not pronounce f's, m's, h's and d's. About then I felt the unmistakable pressure of a large blunt object at my anus. My legs were lifted up on Troy's shoulders and I immediately locked my feet behind his head. I began to hear Todd urge him on, "Yeah, Troy, fuck him! Ram him good! Make him a man!" Troy was listening because there was a sudden shove and I knew he was in passed the first ring. It had been quite a while, so I was tight. I knew that they would hurt, but I also knew that the hurt would quickly pass to pleasure. I steeled myself for the onslaught on my inner ring. This anticipation only made me tighter. Suddenly Troy slapped me hard on the butt. Taken by surprise, I lost focus on my anus and at the same time Troy shove himself violently passed the second door as it momentarily relaxed. "AaaauuughhhOOOOOHOOOWWWW!!!" I screamed in pain and let go of my oral grip on Todd's dick. But Troy was in. He was in to the pubes. I could feel his big heavy ball sac on my ass. I looked momentarily up at him. He grinned at me. "Good boy!" he said. I tilted my head back and opened my mouth, looking to find that fine man sausage to suck on again. In a sec, Todd had it back down my waiting throat. Troy lay still for a minute and I began to adjust to the telephone pole that was now up my ass! Ever so slowly he began his thrusts. Gentle and slow. Just a bit of movement. Then the pace began to quicken, the thrusts became harder and he was soon stroking my ass with the full length of his prick. He would usually pull out until just the mushroom stayed within the ring, but every once in a while he would pull out entirely and then ram himself back in. By this time I had adjusted and it was not pain but pleasure I felt. By contracting my inner muscles I tried to massage his meat as it traveled my love canal. By the groans I heard coming from Troy, I was pretty sure I was succeeding. Todd was getting hotter every minute from my throat work and from a ringside view of Troy's fucking. I reached up and found his nips and started to pinch and twist them. He uttered a guttural sound and said he was about to explode. I increased my suction on his dick and in seconds he was feeding me. Spasm after spasm shot gobs of his jizz down my throat. As his spasms slow Todd leaned in over me and I could hear Todd and Troy kissing. Todd kind of froze in a position with his dick thoroughly in my throat, and I continued to suck gently while he moaned and emptied himself. Todd then pulled out and I looked up to see what was going on. He moved behind Troy and started massaging Troy's pecs and fondling Troy's nips. Troy's pleasure was doubled as he continued to ram me. Suddenly I could see his body become tense in a kind of pre-ejaculatory spasm. He shouted that he was going to cum! and started to ram me furiously. My balls were churning too and I knew it would not be long for me, but I concentrated on giving Troy pleasure with my sphincter massage. When I felt his big manhood start to pulse shooting his cum, I started to cum as well, without anything touching my dick. My cumming also triggered my ass to contract tightly around Troy's dick as if it did not want to let it go. This contraction only made Troy's orgasm more intense, and he screamed in orgasmic pleasure! I thought it was good that I live in such an isolated place. His scream would have carried for miles! Troy collapsed on my body, his manhood still filling my ass. His warm, sweaty, muscled, hairy body felt so sexy lying on me that I was beginning to become hard again already! We lay together for quite a while without separating. Todd also joined in the heap. We were all breathing heavily and our hairy bodies were covered with sweat. As we cooled down, we were all quiet. The crackling of the fire sang to us in our contentment and fulfillment. I heard the grandfather clock strike two o'clock. It had been a late evening. Todd spoke first. "Where should we sleep, Eric?" "Do you really have to ask?" I answered. "There's room for three in the master bed. It's a king size. That is, if we stay close together." Troy gave another one of his grins and winks. "Sounds like a plan." We retired to the master suite, showered together quickly, and made our now common "pile of three" in my king size bed. We caressed and kissed and hugged each other until each in turn fell asleep from exhaustion. We needed to rest up for tomorrow! You know. I still haven't used that guest room! (Would you like to hear what happened on Monday?) comments and/or suggestions to


13 Gay Erotic Stories from EJ

At the Seven-Eleven

“How do they ever make it?!” I heard the voice next to me at the coffee bar as I emptied the flavored cream into the paper cup and poured the coffee. I assumed he was speaking to me. No one else was nearby in the Seven-Eleven store at the time. The radio newscaster had just reported that the cast of a popular TV series was negotiating for an even more exorbitant salary per

The Bear Room

(This story is true. Names, etc., are changed to protect the sexy.) Tick. Click. Click. Tick. Click. Tick. Tick. Click. My fingers stumbled over the keyboard of the computer. “Interested in r/t this morning,” I typed. I was adding the text to my chat profile. Then I clicked on “Enter Room”. I typed “Hi men,” and waited. The small green window appeared blank on the screen. A

The Campground, Part 1

My hand was quivering a bit with excitement as I downshifted and went through the auto-toll lane. On the other side of the toll island was the toll road. I was excited and apprehensive because I had never done this before. No! No! I am not talking about driving on a turnpike! Been there, done that many times! No, I was taking the toll road to the campground. I had never been to

The Campground, Part 2

My master led me back to his campsite and to his camper by my leash and by my balls. On the way through the campsites the other men often greeted us with whistles and catcalls as well as with approving and admiring comments. Master said nothing. He walked straight to his site and to his camper, opened the door and walked in pulling me behind him. It was the first I was inside the

The Campground, Part 3

I awoke in the sunlight of the new day in much the same position as I had fallen asleep. My hands had released their hug and lay at my side. Master lay asleep on top of me. His head rested on my chest and his nostrils emitted his warm breath across my right nipple. My legs were still curiously propped on his shoulders and were somewhat cramped from being in that position for so

The Campground, Part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Campground, part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Campground, Part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Storm

I had moved to this remote area in the rural area of the northern part of the state only a few years ago. Life had gone south on me. I had had enough of corporate shenanigans and enough of people. I moved here to be alone. I figured I was my own best friend. So I bought a good-sized piece of land and built a log home on it. A mile long lane led from the highway to the house and

The Storm, Part 2: Monday

In Part 1, during a fierce snowstorm two hairy buddies (Troy and Todd) lose control of their vehicle and slide off the road near my remote log home. I rescue and welcome them into my home. After cleaning up and sharing a good meal, we gather before the fire for some hot interaction. We retire exhausted to my bed. See “The Storm” for the full first episode. We continue with Part 2,

The Storm, Part 3: Monday Evening

Troy and Todd, stranded by the winter storm at Eric’s home, while they await their car being repaired, form a strong bond with their host and experience some hot action. Check out parts 1 and 2. The story resumes on Monday evening of the eventful week, the evening before the last full day of their stay. * * * After the hot leather experience of late Monday afternoon, Troy, Todd, and

The Storm, Part 4: Tuesday

I was still having a tough time making a decision about getting pierced. I knew it looked incredibly hot on my two friends and other men; I wasn’t sure that it would look right on me. I wasn’t sure that I could handle the questions or the looks from others in this part of the world who might not understand. I would need to decide before tomorrow morning. We spent the rest of the

The Storm, Part 5: Conclusion

Wednesday The phone rang. It was the call I had been dreading now for two days. I knew who it was. I just didn’t get that many calls. “This is Jake,” the voice said. “Hi, Jake. This is Eric.” “Just thought you’d like to know that those fellows’ car is done. They can pick it up anytime.” Jake went on to explain in detail the damage, how he had repaired it, and what the final


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