Gay Erotic Stories

Senior Year--Shopping for Uniforms

by TJ Tachet

After breakfast, Will, Andy, and I took Will’s car over to JC Penny to get measured for the uniforms we would need in order to move the yardage markers at the Friday night football games.

The whole thing had been Will’s idea, but I had warmed up to it quickly when I recognized that it meant that I would be hanging out for a couple of hours within breathing distance of all the guys on our high school football team.

Will was my best friend going back to 10th grade in AP English. As the most popular kid in our senior class, the guy who won the majority of the class awards when we voted on them as juniors, Will was a huge life force at our school. Now, as 18-year old seniors, we were on top of the school. Will was at the absolute apex of the popularity pyramid, and I was his trusted right hand guy. I enjoyed being the best friend of the guy who was most likely to succeed, who had the best personality, and who was considered the best kisser. It definitely raised my own social rank by the simple association.

Andy on the other hand was this new puzzle in me and Will’s life; or for sure in my life. With Will, everything was no big deal. He probably didn’t even realize that Andy had the greenest eyes on the planet, that Andy had run track since he had been a freshman at his old school in New York, or that Andy was courageous enough to just grab my dick innocently the first five minutes after I’d met him.

Andy had just transferred in as a senior from his high school back east. His family had moved in down the block from Will. And as a complete surprise to me, Will had invited Andy to be our third person moving the yardage and first down markers. My own introduction to Andy had been pretty memorable, particularly the memory about his hand grabbing my engorged cock. With Andy around, I had had quite a morning. I had my usual morning hard-on and hoped he wouldn’t notice but he did, even through the blankets on Will’s extra bed.

Later while I was in Will’s shower totally aroused from the morning’s events and with my dick sticking straight up lathered up with soap, Andy had barged into the bathroom scaring me to death.

He snatched my towel away so that he got a complete view of my erection--all 8 and one third inches of it. Maybe shrunken down just a little bit from the shock of having to display myself to our new 18-year old friend so I could have my towel back.

Then, if all that wasn’t enough, when I walked downstairs to breakfast with Will and his parents and Andy, it became clear to me that Andy had not just walked into the bathroom to ask me what kind of eggs I wanted. We were having French toast after all. Andy had come into the bathroom just to see me in the shower. That realization made me instantly hard, again. And though I had not, thank god, come in my shorts for the second time this morning when Andy grabbed my thigh under the breakfast table, it had been very close. I quietly ate my French toast. Will was oblivious to it all.

So sitting shot gun in the front seat of Will’s Honda, my weenie had had quite a morning. Now we were going to a fitting for crissakes!

What next? I suppose we were all going to have to share a fitting room!

In the Penny’s men’s department, the three of us men tried to find somebody to help us. There was supposed to be a pre-selected uniform for us that we just needed to try on. Once we were sure the uniform was going to work, we left our names and once the school arranged payment we could come back to pick it up. Nobody seemed to be around who knew anything about anything though.

“I guess we’ll have to just help ourselves,” Andy said, while Will walked way across the store to try and get somebody who knew what they were doing.

“Yeah, I guess, but no funny business from you Mister,” I smiled. The memory of Andy’s hand on my hard dick separated only by the blankets on Will’s bed was fresh in my mind.

Pointing at his chest with both hands, Andy gave me a sheepish ‘What? Me?’ look and turned to examine a rack of belts. I scanned the floor to try and find Will but he was nowhere in sight.

Thwack! My ass exploded in pain.

I turned around startled to see Andy holding a long black belt and wearing a huge grin.

“Jesus, Andy, what the fuck are you doing? That really hurt!” I moaned.

“Please,” he said, laughing and cocking his right arm with the belt again. “It can’t possibly be the first time you’ve been whipped with a belt.”

“Well, no, but not in Penny’s.” I said with a grin, now trying to shrug it off as no big deal.

The pain was searing into my flesh and seemed like it was radiating all the way from back to front. Putting my arms up to prevent any further attacks, I smiled and walked toward Andy. I grabbed at the belt in his hand and he let it fall and took off down the linoleum floor between departments with me in hot pursuit.

Andy ran at not quite full speed since there were people with shopping bags in the aisles. He was laughing so loud that everybody turned to look.

After he dashed in and out of the sock department and dove behind a big table of ties. I easily caught him and wrestled him to the floor. Once there, I had absolutely no idea what to do with him so I put him in a head lock that he easily wriggled out of. As one, we banged into the sale tie table and a few from the edges fell onto my back. Andy was on his back on the ground and I was on top of him trying to pull his shirt off. I could see the clean smoothness of his skin on his back and smell the soap he used to wash with. Dial? Zest? As both of us screeched with the giggles, he struggled to try and rip my shirt off as well. Since I remained on top, I used the force of my body to pin one arm, kept tugging on Andy’s shirt with the other, and then used my second arm to force his hands to the ground.

Just as I nearly had his shirt up around his neck, his hand got free and grabbed fiercely for the belt loop on the back of my pants. Pulling up as hard as he could, the raw strip of my butt where Andy had struck me with the belt seemed to light on fire again and I yelped.


Andy stopped pulling on my pants and looked at my face. Our eyes were about 6 inches apart, both of us breathing heavily. Jeez! He had the greenest eyes I had ever seen. Locked together, we both froze, simply enjoying the closeness of our faces, our breath merging. Our chests heaved together and I could feel skin on skin near my belly button where we both had raised shirts. We cracked up and I rolled off of him.

The feel of Andy’s bare skin against mine was intoxicating and I felt my dick start to swell. I had never been quite so close to anybody like this ever before. I wondered what it would be like to feel all of Andy naked against me.

“Don’t let me interrupt, guys…” It was Will. He was standing there with a sales lady from Penny’s.

I rolled off of Andy and struggled to my feet. Andy just kept laying on the ground on his back.

“Well bro,” he said, I see you found the little lady who is going to help us get decked out for the football games. Little TJ and I were just passing the time while you went on your search,” he added, with a nod to me now standing up straight. I shoved my hands in my pockets to hide what had now become the humiliating outline of my fully erect cock.

Will looked over at me and smiled. “I can see that the 3 of us are going to get along great.”

Andy laughed and held out a hand to me to lift him off the floor. I obliged as Will introduced Evelyn who seemed to know what we needed and could help us out.

“I’m afraid that the jumpers you boys need are actually not here in the Men’s Department. They are downstairs on the basement level in Tools.”

“Jumpers?” I asked, not really sure what it was.

“Tools?” Will asked.

“What exactly is a jumper, Miss?” Andy directed his question at Evelyn.

Evelyn smiled. It’s just a one-piece suit that a lot of workmen wear. It’s designed to keep you warm and minimize any bulges or extra folds that might get caught on heavy machinery.”

Subconsciously I grabbed the head of my dick to protect it further. I am certain I blushed.

Andy looked from my crotch to my face and cracked up. “Bulges or extra folds?!” he laughed.

“Um hmm,” Evelyn responded and pivoted to walk toward the escalator for our trip down to the basement. We followed closely behind her. I kept my hands in my pockets though it was softening a little bit.

Evelyn walked us over to a back corner of the tool department, tucked in behind a huge display of chain saws and table saws that had been patterned into a ghoulishly shaped tree.

“Who’s first?” Evelyn asked cheerfully holding up a bright orange jumper.

“Yecch!” Andy said. What is that thing? Is that really 100% polyester?”

“Shouldn’t these have failed some fire code or something?” Will added with a giggle.

“Okay boys. Let’s just get this over with.”

Evelyn ignored both Andy and Will’s comments. “This one is a large. I’m thinking you should go try this on.” She pointed at Will.

Ever the pleaser, Will took the hideous orange suit from her and complied with the demand. “Where’s a changing room,” Will asked.

“Boys, this is the Tool Department. We don’t have a changing room. You can either walk through the store back up to the Men’s Department or you can use the janitor closet right over there.” She pointed to a door next to a stack of boxed vacuum cleaners.

“Will smiled. “ I guess it’s the janitor’s closet.” He followed Evelyn to the indicated door and slipped inside. Evelyn walked back to Andy and I with two more jumpers in her hand.

“Medium, medium,” she said handing each of us one more off the rack. “And they’re supposed to fit snug. You don’t want those extra, you know.”

“Bulges or folds,” both Andy and I said in unison. We laughed again.

“And no more tomfoolery,” she admonished us.

“Tomfoolery?” Andy and I giggled to each other.

While we waited for Will to try on his jumper, the lovely Evelyn walked away to speak to one of her colleagues over by the register and Andy and I found ourselves alone--yet again.

“I don’t imagine these orange Popsicle suits are going to cover that dick of yours. Especially if you keep getting a woody like you’ve had all morning,”

“Gimme a fucking break, dude!” I shot back, embarrassed again by the plain talk. Will never spoke to me like this. Not that I didn’t want him to of course.

Andy was relentless. “So you were hard when I walked into Will’s room this morning, just lying there in bed in all your glory. You were hard in the shower when I caught you whacking it. You popped another one in the car as we were driving over here. And here we are again, in the tool section of America’s favorite department store and there you are again. Does it ever go soft?”

Andy pointed at my hands which had subconsciously dived back into my pockets.

“Dude,” I tried to explain.

“Dude nothing,” Andy interrupted. “You’re like a horn dog sex maniac.”

I laughed. “Hardly--I just can’t control it.” I stammered.

“Nothing to explain, bro, it happens to all of us. I mean, my god, we’re eighteen and at the peak of our sexual prime. I was starting to pop one myself when you were grinding your pelvis into mine on the floor upstairs.”

“I was not grinding my pelvis into yours,” I protested.

Andy just smiled. Will came out of the janitor’s closet with a huge grin on his face.

“Okay gents…your turn. I don’t know if I can ever really wear this in public, but it does fit.”

“What do you mean, it fits?” I asked stupidly.

He looked at me. “It fits,” he said again. “Just leave it at that. It’s not something that anybody should ever have to wear unless you’re going moose hunting or something. It’s like incredibly bright orange.”

“Okay, here goes,” Andy said. He walked off to the janitor’s closet and closed the door.

Will and I talked about how much abuse we were going to take from the football guys in these outfits. I was still moaning and complaining that it wasn’t right when Andy came out with his jumper over his arm and a still bigger smile on his face. The contrast of those green emerald eyes against the neon orange of the polyester was a little distracting.

“That was quick,” I said, a little surprised Andy was already finished.

“Fits,” Andy announced.

“Cool,” Will said, “I’m going to go check out some shoes while you guys finish up. Evelyn said to meet her back upstairs in the Men’s Department when we’re done. She has the paperwork up there for us to sign.” Will moved toward the escalators and I went into the janitor’s closet, carefully shutting the door behind me. With a little concern, I noticed it had no lock. Ah well, Andy was standing guard.

I stripped off my clothes and stood on the cold stone floor in my briefs. I finally had a chance to examine the welt that Andy had given me when he smacked me with the belt. Looking over my shoulder at my white ass, the view wasn’t a great one but there was a red stripe across my buttocks about two inches wide. With a sigh, I rubbed it a little to see if he had broken the skin. When I was pretty sure all was intact and I was not going to be getting blood all over the jumper, I stuck my legs into the holes and wriggled the smooth hot fabric up to my hips. I was not surprised when the door opened and Andy stuck his head in. It had taken him longer than I figured.

“So, how’s it going, bro?” he asked, “everything working out?”

“Yep, all good,” I answered. I was having trouble tugging the jumper up high enough so that I could get my arms into the holes. Pulling up the legs as high as I could, I gave one final urgent yank and then heard a rip.

I froze and Andy’s mouth opened as we both looked at each other.

“Uh oh,” Andy said.

“Uh oh,” I echoed. “Here, help me pull this up,” I asked him, handing him one side of the top part to help get over my shoulders.’

“Pretty broad shoulders, dude, I don’t know that we’re going to make it.”

Breathless, I said, “We’ll make it,” I said, having gotten one arm into the arm hole. “If I can just get…”

“Maybe you should take off your tighty whities bro; that would give you some extra room.” Andy smiled.

“You’d really like that I think,” I said.

“Well, you know…whatever it takes.” Since I hadn’t zipped up the jumper in front, my dick and balls were piled up inside my shorts higher than usual and getting squeezed by the bottom of the pants. I jerked the unused sleeve away from him to give it a final shot on my own.

“You have done enough for today, thank you very much,” I said. The memory of his hand on my hard dick while I lay back in Will’s bed was still fresh in my mind. I pointed to my butt.

“Oh, yeah, I bet that stings, did you check it out? Did it bleed or anything?”

“I don’t think so,” I said.

“Well, did you get a good look?”

I looked over my shoulder for a not so clear look at my own red butt. “I don’t know, maybe.”

“Dude, we don’t want you bleeding all over this brand new beautiful jumper, do we? Let me check it out for you.”

“This is not going to fit,” I announced, ignoring his comment. I took my one arm out of the hole and began to pull it off my legs when I caught site of the tag. “Well, no wonder, it’s a small.”

“Small bro. Worry not little friend. I will go back out and get you a medium while you stand in this janitor’s closet in just your Fruit of the Looms.”

“Jockey,” I said. “They’re Jockey.”

He looked down at my crotch “Jockey? They fit you good.”

“Yep, they’re pretty comf,” I added.

“Huh?” he gave my waistband a snap against my lover abdomen.

“Just go get the fucking bigger size already.” Andy walked out of the janitor’s closet and shut the door. I stood there feeling self-conscious and cold.

He was back in a like 90 seconds.

“Medium,” he announced, “this time for real.” I turned away and bent over to pick up the jumper and slip my legs into it first. Hey, but let me check out the damage I did to your butt.” In an instant, he had my Jockey shorts down around my ankles and his hand on my red welt. He whistled. On the opposite side, my cock sprang free.

“Dude, there’s some serious damage to your ass here,” he said

“Do I need some Bactine? A doctor?” I asked.

“Bactine, yeah, I guess,” Andy responded. He spread my ass cheeks to more closely inspect my hole.

“What are you doing now?” I asked. Conscious of his warm hands against my smooth, hairless, buttocks, I was wholly unprepared for the sensation of another human being touching my anus.

Andy let his fingers linger there for a moment before declaring this particular part of my anatomy intact.

“Hmm, I think you’re good in the sphincter department. In fact, I’d say very, very good.”

I had no response.

I turned around to face him. My dick was yet again on the rise. My ball sack hung low despite the coldness of the room. I had always been proud of that fact.

Andy’s green eyes locked with mine. I reached my arms up to his shoulders, my undershorts around my ankles. I started to move my fact closer to his. Andy responded by doing the same, he had still not looked down to check out my equipment. I felt a very light touch cup the bottom of my balls. The feeling was out of this world. I shuddered and inched my mouth closer to his lips, the full length of my 8 and one third inches of dick magnetically pulling me toward Andy--this man I had met only 3 or 4 hours ago.

Andy leaned in so that our chests were touching, my raw skin against his shirt, my cock pointed skyward as I pressed it against the buttons of his jeans. I felt his warm breath on my neck as I gripped him more tightly and I felt a further surge in my rock hard dick. A drop of pre-cum pooled at the opening and I began to be aware of Andy’s own erectness confined behind the thin cotton of his cords.

I moved my hands around his back, pulling him closer. He smelled like soap.

Andy moved his hands from side to side on my ass. He spread my cheeks and I felt the JC Penney air conditioning on my asshole. More pre-cum oozed from my penis.

A knock on the door startled us. Andy pulled away and helped me pull my Jockeys up, smearing the liquid from the head of my penis onto his forearm. We both smiled.

“Will?” he answered, “Is that you? TJ needed a bigger size.”

Yup… indeed I did. Indeed I did.


19 Gay Erotic Stories from TJ Tachet

High School Seniors: Campus Tour (including dorm room)

Dean and I walked around campus for about an hour after we left the locker room. He had on street clothes and I just wore my slightly sweaty running gear. He loaned me an extra warm-up jacket he had in his locker so I could feel at least a little bit more decent. The school really was beautiful and I honestly tried to concentrate during the tour but I was afraid my mind couldn’t really just

High School Seniors: Learning About College

After all the crazy sexcapades on our last trip to the Bay Area, I didn’t really want to go on another college road trip with my friends. But of course I did. We had decided to check out a couple schools in San Diego—we could drive there instead of fly—but I put up a fuss anyhow about needing to stick around and work on a paper that I wasn’t finished with. The truth was that I

High School Seniors: The Motel Room

At 2:30 in the morning I was still wide awake and unable to sleep so I flipped over onto my back to count something. Sheep were the obvious, but that seemed a little boring; my mind couldn’t really sort out sheep from goats anyway. Number of colleges that I was likely to get into was not a very big number so that wouldn’t take very long and probably wouldn’t put me to sleep. Number of

High School Seniors: The Road Trip

Toward the end of the football season, it came time to start thinking about college pretty seriously. My two closest friends and I had gotten our applications in all over the place in the first few months of our senior year. Now that we wouldn’t need to be anyplace on Friday nights, we had some time to go and visit a few universities where we had sent applications. Andy wanted to be an

High School Seniors: Will's Really Long Shower

The rest of the weekend was interesting as well. Will, Andy and I cruised around Cal all day on Saturday, checking out the campus and the dorms. Neither of them figured they had a very good shot of getting into the best public school in California so we didn’t even bother to sign up for any official tour. I thought my chances of being accepted were pretty good so I left my name with some

High School Seniors: A Circle Jerk (small)

First thing the next morning I called Will. “Hey TJ, how’s it going?” “Um, fine, fine, Will. Um, what are you doing Friday night?” “Friday? Well, I guess me and Peggy will catch a movie or something. Why?” Peggy was Will’s girlfriend, but I don’t think she had the hots for my best friend in the same way I did. I doubted she’d ever deep-throated his man-meat. “Oh, okay,” I said.

High School Seniors: Joey and his cousing Tino

At school on Monday I bumped into Joey. I hadn’t seen him around for a couple weeks. I thought I’d act cool, and maybe a little disinterested. “Hey T.J., what’s going on?” he said. He’d grown his dark hair a little longer since football season ended and the waviness covered the back collar of his shirt completely. He never failed to get me a little aroused just by the sound of his voice.

High School Seniors: Will Really (really) Cums

“I don’t think I can cum that fast.” My best friend Will was naked from the waist down lying on my bed. He nodded toward his boner, as if I had no idea what he was talking about. “Mmm,” I said, sorry immediately for what that might have meant to him. To say that Will’s penis was on the large side was to say that Dolly Parton’s breasts (the original ones at least) were on the large

Senior Year - First Game of the Season

The rest of the week was mercifully uneventful. I didn’t see anybody naked. Nobody saw me naked. I didn’t touch anybody’s asshole during a massage. To sum it up, it was just a normal week at school for a terribly under-sexed 18-year old senior. Me. Until Friday night. Friday night was the first game of the season for our football team. I wouldn’t have missed it. Will, Andy and I

Senior Year--3:00 Sunday Afternoon

Sunday morning I slept in. While sleeping past 7 was not something I did very often, after last night I needed it. When I finally woke up around 10, I could hear my folks fumbling around downstairs. Needing a reality check, I threw on my robe and walked down, holding the rail. “Hey sleepy head,” my mom was her usual chipper self, up bright and early every morning. “Hey,” I said. “We

Senior Year--Getting Ready for a Run

Later that day, once we got back from the store doing our fitting for the uniforms we would have to wear, Andy and I decided to go for a run. I had to go home since I hadn’t brought any running stuff over to Will’s house. Andy dropped Will at home and we zipped up to my house. My parents were still not home from my dad’s business trip up north, so the house was deserted except for the dog.

Senior Year--it finally happens!

After like 10 minutes standing in Joey Collucci’s shower waiting for my hard-on to go down, I thought it would never happen and I might have to go out into Joey’s bedroom with a hardon--in front of the varsity quarterback and his trusty center. But, at last, while trying to think about all of the cheerleaders naked, I finally managed to get it to soften. I turned the water off. Opening the

Senior Year--Me and Joey

Back at school on Monday, I saw Joey at practice. After screwing up our meeting last week, I wasn’t sure he’d want to see me. I had to give it a try. After all, he was the varsity quarterback at our high school. At 18, Joey Collucci was an Italian god on campus…dark wavy hair and gorgeous dark eyebrows; the perfect Roman nose. Like six two and with this incredibly defined chest. From

Senior Year--Shopping for Uniforms

After breakfast, Will, Andy, and I took Will’s car over to JC Penny to get measured for the uniforms we would need in order to move the yardage markers at the Friday night football games. The whole thing had been Will’s idea, but I had warmed up to it quickly when I recognized that it meant that I would be hanging out for a couple of hours within breathing distance of all the guys on our high

Senior Year--Showering With a Friend?

Will and Andy were in the bathroom for what seemed like hours, talking like they were old friends. Like they were as close friends! Like Will and I were supposed to be, best friends in fact!! Damn! And Will was at most in a towel--or possibly less. The nerve of Andy to barge into the bathroom while Will was showering and just, well, talk to him! Why didn’t I think of that before? I

Senior Year--Sleepover

At school the next day, all Will could talk about was our new job moving the yardage markers at the varsity football game. He and I would pull the chains. We just needed a third for the first down marker. My interest was high in being so close to the guys on the varsity team. But given my blowing off of the very hunky and very good looking quarterback Joey Collucci because I was a little

Senior Year--The library bathroom

The next day at school I was barely able to concentrate. Such was my state of anticipation over being able to have a private tutoring session with the far-too-beautiful-for his-own-good hunky Italian quarterback of the football team. I thought about our deal. I would help him get a paper on World War I done for class. For repayment, Joey Collucci would teach me to play football.

Senior Year--The quarterback

By my senior year of high school, my fate was sealed. I would not play shortstop—or even right field—for the Dodgers. I was more the teacher’s pet brainiac than the jock. While I totally loved sports, I could not will myself into an athlete. My skills were just no match for the top guys at my school; the ones with the chiseled bodies. To me, their hair was perfect even a little messed

Senior Year--Will and Andy and T.J. Get High

Joey dropped me off at home just before 9:00 the next morning. Even though I’d had only a few hours sleep, I felt great. I told him I hoped he could make it through practice. Opening the passenger door to get out, I thanked him and asked if I could keep up the History tutoring. “Shit, yeah, dude. If I’m gonna pass History and graduate this damn school, I’ll need you.” “For sure?”


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