Gay Erotic Stories

High School Seniors: Learning About College

by TJ Tachet

After all the crazy sexcapades on our last trip to the Bay Area, I didn’t really want to go on another college road trip with my friends.

But of course I did.

We had decided to check out a couple schools in San Diego—we could drive there instead of fly—but I put up a fuss anyhow about needing to stick around and work on a paper that I wasn’t finished with.

The truth was that I wanted to hang out with Joey, but there was no way that Will would go only with Andy--all by themselves. In fact, Will spent most of several entire lunch periods at school trying to convince me to go. One particular lunch conversation stood out.

“You can’t leave me in a motel room with Andy all alone,” Will protested.

“Why not, what’s the big deal?” I asked, knowing exactly what the big deal was.

“It’s just that,” Will stammered, which was very unlike him. “Well, you know, he’s just a little, you know, a little too…”

“Too what?”

“I don’t know, too…too…sexual,” he said finally.

“Too sexual? What the hell does that mean?” I asked.

“You know what I’m talking about T.J., he’s just like always talking about sex, always thinking about sex, you know, always making comments about how big your dick is or how big my dick is.”

I looked at my best friend, not sure quite how to respond.

“Will, having a big dick is supposed to good thing,” I said, stupidly.

“What?” He turned away and took bite of his sandwich. For as long as Will and I had been eating lunch together in school, his mom still made his lunch everyday and stuck it in a brown bag. Today it was ham salad.--ham salad? Who makes ham salad?

“No, I’m not talking about that. Believe me; I don’t care how big…”

“What then?” I asked.

“It’s just that, you know, it’s just that the three of us, we should talk about something else sometimes.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“It’s just that he should stop staring at me when I change my clothes or something. It’s like, I don’t know. Do you think he might be gay?”

I was sure I turned bright red.


“I mean, it wouldn’t matter if he was, it’s just that, well you know, it’s like he’s trying to have sex with us, you know what I mean?”

“Will, I think you’re being a little paranoid. I think that if Andy wanted to have sex with us, he’s the kind of guy who would just say it, you know?”

“You think?”

“Will, it’s no big deal to me. Andy is straight.”

“Like how do you know that?”

“He told me.”

“He told you? You guys talked about this?”

“Um. We were just like, you know, talking…” I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to get myself out of this hole.

“And he told you he was straight?”

“Yeah,” I said. “He just likes sex. A lot. He just likes sex a lot.”

“That much is pretty clear.”

“Well, you’re right there. He does talk about it a lot.”

We were silent for a moment, eating our food.

“So do you think my dick is big?” Will asked me.

I got a least three shades of darker red than last time. I was speechless.

“Well, do you?”

“Um.” I stammered, desperate to change the conversation.

“T.J., you’ve seen it. You know, that time over at Andy’s house the night we got high?”

“Well, yeah, but…”

“So, is it really that big?”

“Will, I’m not like an expert in penis size.”

“T.J., everybody seems to know how long yours is. I mean, you practically wear a t-shirt around school advertising your eight and one third inch weenie.”

If it was possible to get still redder, that happened. I desperately wanted this conversation to change. Or at least for the bell to ring so we could go back to class.

“Will, my dick is not as big as yours. In the motel room in Berkeley last weekend, you had an erection and me and Andy were pretty shocked when we saw it.”

“Yeah, but our dicks, they’re pretty close don’t you think?”

“No Will, I don’t think they’re pretty close. You’re way bigger.”

“Way bigger?”

“Will, cut it out, I don’t know how big yours is, I’d say like maybe an inch or two longer than mine. Why don’t just give me a break and measure it?

Will looked away, clearly thinking about measuring it.

“Well, you seem to be pretty proud of the fact that yours is eight and a third inches. So, shouldn’t I be happy to be even bigger than that.”

“Um, well, yeah, I guess.”

“I mean, do you think it’s too big?”

“Will, shut up!” I shouted. “I don’t really want to have this conversation. Let’s talk about something else.”

“T.J., don’t be such a pussy. Just answer the question, is my dick too big?”

“Too big for what? Peggy’s vagina? Andy’s mouth? What?”

Will laughed out loud.

“I mean, shit Will, most guys would be happy to have a big dick. Just shut up about it. You know, and enjoy it!”

Will seemed to consider this a moment. He sat quietly and finished off his ham salad sandwich. His mom had also packed him some cut carrots and a little plastic Tupperware thing of dip. I munched on my school-bought taco.

With his mouth full of carrots, Will struck up the topic again.

“So do you think that’s it? Andy is just like, you know, mesmerized by my big dick?”

I slapped the table with my hand. “Yes, Will, that’s it. Andy is fucking crazy about your penis. He talks about it constantly because he is totally jealous of it. His own long, skinny, tubular penis is nothing compared to yours and he just wants to have it. In fact, I’d like to trade you myself. Can you part with it for me for a few weeks? I’d like to give your dick a test drive. You know, maybe see how life is with a really, really, really huge slab of man-meat!”

Will stared at me and opened his mouth to speak. No words came out. Finally he put his head on the table and laughed.


“Yep, man-meat!”

“I mean, we’re 18 now, I know, but I’ve never thought of it as man-meat.”

“What? Jesus fucking Christ Will, do you realize we’ve been talking about your dick for like all of lunch? Can we please talk about something else? Yes, it’s big. Yes I am very impressed by it. In fact, maybe even a little scared by it. But, you know, like, don’t sweat it dude! Having an impressive piece of, you know, man-meat,” I emphasized the word for comic effect, “is like a good thing. So like, don’t worry about Andy, he’s not jealous of your penis. He’s got plenty to be proud of.”

I stopped, realizing what I had said.

Will put his head on his hands on the table, “T.J., is there something you’d like to tell me?”

“What? Fuck you Will, there’s nothing I’d like to tell you other than to just shut up. My dick is eight or so inches. Yours is probably, I don’t know, at least double that, and I just don’t want to talk about big dicks or small dicks or any dicks. At all.”

Will packed up his trash into a neat pile.

“Ever again!” I said.

“Okay!” Will said.

“Can we just talk about this trip to San Diego? Please?”


“So I assume we’re getting a motel room down there someplace, just like we did up in Berkeley?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Good, then I’m sleeping with you.”


“And I promise to say nothing about your large penis all night long.”


“And I promise to fucking kick your ass if you so much as bring it up even one time this weekend!”


I packed up my own trash and grabbed Will’s and picked up both and walked over to the trash can. When I got back, Will was smiling.


“What?” I said, a little too loudly.

“What if I get a hard-on sleeping in the same bed with you?”

“Then just don’t fuck me with it. It’d probably hurt too much.”

I didn’t sit back down, but I turned and walked away to my locker. There was still 10 minutes or so left to hang out before 6th period started, but I needed to go and just get away from Will.

“Fuck!” I said to nobody in particular as I got mid-way across the quad.

That Friday night after school, Will and Andy and I got together at my house and packed up Andy’s car. We drove south to check out two colleges that I didn’t really want to go to anyhow. But the fun for me would be just hanging out with my friends. Will with his newly discovered really big piece of man-meat penis. And Andy who was more my size.

The two of them tortured me in different ways. I sat in the back seat and felt myself getting hard as soon as we hit the freeway.

That night, Will and I slept in the same bed in the motel in La Jolla. Andy got a kick out of the fact that both of us seemed downright eager to sleep together. While Will was in brushing his teeth, Andy made a big show of changing out of his pants and into some skimpy running shorts to sleep in.

“Why are you doing that?” I asked Andy.

Andy turned around and let his long tubular cock flop out of his shorts. Andy swung his hips back and forth and his cock swung back and forth too. It lengthened with the motion and I had a familiar stirring down below.

“Why am I doing what?” Andy asked me right back.

I sighed. “Andy! Cut it out. This is not happening tonight. I’m sleeping with Will.” I tried to say this with a firm finality.

“Uh huh.”

“I am.”

“At least until poor unsuspecting Will falls sound asleep and you hop over to my bed and hop on my Johnson!”

“Fuck off Andy. Fuck off!”

When Will came out of the bathroom, Andy had managed to put his dick back in his shorts and I went in to pee and brush my teeth. That night I slept soundly. It was a pleasure. No trying to feel up Will. No sex with Andy. No jerking off within inches of my best friend’s big weenie.

On campus the next morning, the three of us went our separate ways. I hooked up with some science nerds who showed me the biology lab, the chemistry lab, the math lab and then we were about to walk to the physics lab.

I had had about enough of these freakazoids so I faked a stomach ache and got the heck out of there back to the motel. It was going to be a few more hours until the other showed up, so I decided to go for a run. I tossed on my running stuff and headed out. Unsure where to run, I headed back to campus and thought I’d just do some laps around the college track. I ran for about five miles then stopped.

A shower--wow! A real college shower in the gym with other college guys.

I ran over to what looked from the outside like a gym and wandered around trying to find a way in to the men’s locker room. I could hear the showers and followed my ears.

Inside everybody looked so much older than me. They walked around in towels, jock straps, nothing. Holy crap! Some of these guys were amazing!

I was a little dazed by it all, so I went to find a drinking fountain for a little water. Just as I got to the fountain a short guy with a military hair cut walked up at the same time. He had a towel wrapped around his waist. His chest looked like it had been sculpted by somebody. His abs were even more cut than Joey’s, only he didn’t have a hair on him. The towel came down low almost to his ankles and I noticed that he had no hair on his legs either. To avoid making a fool of myself and dropping my jaw, I looked at the floor at his feet; even they looked strong and muscular, but given how he was so perfect everywhere else, I was surprised how beaten up they were. He took a long drink and I waited patiently, just enjoying the view of his ass as he bent over. When he finished drinking, he turned around and bumped into me by accident.

“Oops, sorry man,” he said. Even his voice was sexy.

I bent over to drink but couldn’t help sneaking a peek behind me and this great example of college-meat.

So now I had to get into the showers to see my new friend naked, and I had to move fast. But I didn’t have a towel and I had no idea how to get one. If I spent any time searching for a towel, I reasoned, I’d miss him, so I decided to shower and figure out what to do about drying off later. I found a locker pretty close to the showers and kicked off my shoes tossing my running gear on top. I started to walk in to the shower area but felt strangely very exposed so I grabbed my shirt and rolled it up in a ball in my fist.

The showers in the university gym were huge compared to our high school gym. There must have been over 50 shower heads, in long rows that faced each other. There were no partitions of any kind like we had back at school. There were quite a few guys in there already but I didn’t see my military college boy at first amidst all of the others. I found a spot on the end, as far away as I could possibly be just in case I got a boner and turned the knob to start the flow of water. The shower head sputtered to life and then coated me in a strong rush of hot water. I squirted a little liquid soap in my hand and rubbed it on my chest and arms.

This was it, I thought to myself. I am going to be a college man and I am going to shower in a big public shower just like this one every single fucking day!

When I was finally brave enough to look around at the other men doing exactly what I was doing, I was surprised how many of them seemed to be looking at me. I tried hard not to make eye contact with anybody and felt myself getting hard again.


I turned to face the wall and closed my eyes. I kept my hands well away from my cock and balls to try and let things simmer down, down there. I thought all sorts of ridiculous thoughts to clear my head and not get a total hard-on.

Oh my god! My first college shower and this happens. And I don’t even have a towel!

After what seemed like hours of facing the wall, I had successfully managed to keep my dick from going to its full glory and I felt brave enough to open my eyes and look down at myself. Not bad. Not my usual eight inches thank god, but certainly semi-hard and sticking out a bit too much for my liking in a public place like this. Fortunately nobody had come to shower right next to me so it might safe even to turn around and let the water warm my back and bounce off my butt.

I took a quick glance behind me and noticed that quite a few of the guys had left.

Okay! The coast was pretty clear so I folded my arms across my chest and turned around.

There he was.

About 7 or 8 shower heads down and across on the other side, my military college guy was standing on one leg and scrubbing an ankle. He saw me looking at him and he smiled. I immediately turned my head away before I could get a good look at his dick. I busied myself with a little more soap and cleaned the crack of my ass for like the eleventh time.

Military boy shut off his water and grabbed his towel. I tried to check him out but he held the towel just in front of his mid-section and I was blocked from seeing anything at all down there. But the rest of his body was just amazing. He seemed to be an ideal V-shape from his shoulders to his hips. He was fairly light skinned and as far as I could tell from where I stood had practically no body fat. He was just one nice package of bulging muscle. He turned away slightly and circled his towel around his waist. He glanced my way and smiled again before he walked the other way out of the shower area.

Without seeming too obvious, I turned off my shower and stripped the excess water off my arms and legs with my hands. I grabbed my balled up shirt and tried to act real cool as I walked back to wear I had thrown my stuff. Despite my runner’s body, the truth was that I was totally self-conscious walking naked back to my pile of clothes. My hand with the shirt covered my cock as best I could.

When I got to where I had left everything, I sat down and took a deep breath. Fortunately my dick was getting back to normal so there was no danger of a completely embarrassing moment. I looked up at the ceiling of the locker room and smiled to myself. Maybe I should just go to college here. After all, the place had a great reputation for pre-med training and who cared if I thought the tourist guys were nerds. At least I’d get to shower in this locker room; maybe next time with a towel even.

“Um, excuse me.”

I whipped my head around to see my military college man standing there beside me.

“Would you like a towel? I couldn’t help but notice that you didn’t bring one.”

Once again, I was speechless. Of course.

“Um, yeah, well sure, that would be great, I mean, if you don’t mind. I mean…”

“Here, take this one.” He took off his towel and handed it to me.

We both stood there without any clothes on looking at each other.

I hesitated, “But, don’t you…”

“No, don’t worry, I’m dry, you’re still wet and you’ll freeze to death.”

“Um, yeah, thanks.” I took the towel, it was wet. I dried myself quickly and tried not to stare at the man standing in front of me. He was just as flawless out of a towel as he had been standing in front of me at the drinking fountain with one. He was also completely hairless, he even had no pubes.

“So you don’t go here, right?”

“What?” I wasn’t sure what he meant.

“I mean you’re not a student?”

I finished drying off and handed the towel back to him sheepishly; I thought maybe I should fold it. We both stood there nude again. My eyes couldn’t help check out his cock. Without any pubic hair, it seemed to hang there in mid-air. It had a little curve to one side and his balls were tucked in tightly behind it. I had seen hundreds of dicks just like this one in the gym at our school, but never totally pube-free. I liked it.

“No, I’m here checking it out. I’m still a senior in high school.”

“Cool. What do you think?”

“Um, well, you know, it seems okay.”

“What are you gonna study, pre-med?”

“Yeah, how’d you know?”

“Just a guess, a lot of people come here for that. I’m pre-med too.”


“So did you get a tour of campus or anything?”

“Naw, just a few science labs. I thought the guys were sort of geeky so I split.”

He laughed and his penis shook.

“Do you want me to show you around a little? I was just gonna go grab some juice and head to the library.”

“Um, sure, that’d be great! Thanks!”

He had still not put the towel back around his waist and I thought maybe his penis jolted a little when I answered. He pointed at my crotch and I looked down. My dick was getting thicker and longer.

“You’d better put your shorts on or you’ll draw a crowd,” he said.

I covered myself with my hands, horrified.

“Sorry,” I said.

“Nothing to be sorry about,” he said. “It’s good by me.”

I looked at my new friend. His cock stretched out away from his body and he smiled. He extended his hand to me and I took it.

“I’m Dean,” he said.


“Glad to meet you T.J., really glad to meet you.”

“Um, yeah, me too, great to meet you too.” I pulled my shirt over my hand and followed Dean to his locker.


19 Gay Erotic Stories from TJ Tachet

High School Seniors: Campus Tour (including dorm room)

Dean and I walked around campus for about an hour after we left the locker room. He had on street clothes and I just wore my slightly sweaty running gear. He loaned me an extra warm-up jacket he had in his locker so I could feel at least a little bit more decent. The school really was beautiful and I honestly tried to concentrate during the tour but I was afraid my mind couldn’t really just

High School Seniors: Learning About College

After all the crazy sexcapades on our last trip to the Bay Area, I didn’t really want to go on another college road trip with my friends. But of course I did. We had decided to check out a couple schools in San Diego—we could drive there instead of fly—but I put up a fuss anyhow about needing to stick around and work on a paper that I wasn’t finished with. The truth was that I

High School Seniors: The Motel Room

At 2:30 in the morning I was still wide awake and unable to sleep so I flipped over onto my back to count something. Sheep were the obvious, but that seemed a little boring; my mind couldn’t really sort out sheep from goats anyway. Number of colleges that I was likely to get into was not a very big number so that wouldn’t take very long and probably wouldn’t put me to sleep. Number of

High School Seniors: The Road Trip

Toward the end of the football season, it came time to start thinking about college pretty seriously. My two closest friends and I had gotten our applications in all over the place in the first few months of our senior year. Now that we wouldn’t need to be anyplace on Friday nights, we had some time to go and visit a few universities where we had sent applications. Andy wanted to be an

High School Seniors: Will's Really Long Shower

The rest of the weekend was interesting as well. Will, Andy and I cruised around Cal all day on Saturday, checking out the campus and the dorms. Neither of them figured they had a very good shot of getting into the best public school in California so we didn’t even bother to sign up for any official tour. I thought my chances of being accepted were pretty good so I left my name with some

High School Seniors: A Circle Jerk (small)

First thing the next morning I called Will. “Hey TJ, how’s it going?” “Um, fine, fine, Will. Um, what are you doing Friday night?” “Friday? Well, I guess me and Peggy will catch a movie or something. Why?” Peggy was Will’s girlfriend, but I don’t think she had the hots for my best friend in the same way I did. I doubted she’d ever deep-throated his man-meat. “Oh, okay,” I said.

High School Seniors: Joey and his cousing Tino

At school on Monday I bumped into Joey. I hadn’t seen him around for a couple weeks. I thought I’d act cool, and maybe a little disinterested. “Hey T.J., what’s going on?” he said. He’d grown his dark hair a little longer since football season ended and the waviness covered the back collar of his shirt completely. He never failed to get me a little aroused just by the sound of his voice.

High School Seniors: Will Really (really) Cums

“I don’t think I can cum that fast.” My best friend Will was naked from the waist down lying on my bed. He nodded toward his boner, as if I had no idea what he was talking about. “Mmm,” I said, sorry immediately for what that might have meant to him. To say that Will’s penis was on the large side was to say that Dolly Parton’s breasts (the original ones at least) were on the large

Senior Year - First Game of the Season

The rest of the week was mercifully uneventful. I didn’t see anybody naked. Nobody saw me naked. I didn’t touch anybody’s asshole during a massage. To sum it up, it was just a normal week at school for a terribly under-sexed 18-year old senior. Me. Until Friday night. Friday night was the first game of the season for our football team. I wouldn’t have missed it. Will, Andy and I

Senior Year--3:00 Sunday Afternoon

Sunday morning I slept in. While sleeping past 7 was not something I did very often, after last night I needed it. When I finally woke up around 10, I could hear my folks fumbling around downstairs. Needing a reality check, I threw on my robe and walked down, holding the rail. “Hey sleepy head,” my mom was her usual chipper self, up bright and early every morning. “Hey,” I said. “We

Senior Year--Getting Ready for a Run

Later that day, once we got back from the store doing our fitting for the uniforms we would have to wear, Andy and I decided to go for a run. I had to go home since I hadn’t brought any running stuff over to Will’s house. Andy dropped Will at home and we zipped up to my house. My parents were still not home from my dad’s business trip up north, so the house was deserted except for the dog.

Senior Year--it finally happens!

After like 10 minutes standing in Joey Collucci’s shower waiting for my hard-on to go down, I thought it would never happen and I might have to go out into Joey’s bedroom with a hardon--in front of the varsity quarterback and his trusty center. But, at last, while trying to think about all of the cheerleaders naked, I finally managed to get it to soften. I turned the water off. Opening the

Senior Year--Me and Joey

Back at school on Monday, I saw Joey at practice. After screwing up our meeting last week, I wasn’t sure he’d want to see me. I had to give it a try. After all, he was the varsity quarterback at our high school. At 18, Joey Collucci was an Italian god on campus…dark wavy hair and gorgeous dark eyebrows; the perfect Roman nose. Like six two and with this incredibly defined chest. From

Senior Year--Shopping for Uniforms

After breakfast, Will, Andy, and I took Will’s car over to JC Penny to get measured for the uniforms we would need in order to move the yardage markers at the Friday night football games. The whole thing had been Will’s idea, but I had warmed up to it quickly when I recognized that it meant that I would be hanging out for a couple of hours within breathing distance of all the guys on our high

Senior Year--Showering With a Friend?

Will and Andy were in the bathroom for what seemed like hours, talking like they were old friends. Like they were as close friends! Like Will and I were supposed to be, best friends in fact!! Damn! And Will was at most in a towel--or possibly less. The nerve of Andy to barge into the bathroom while Will was showering and just, well, talk to him! Why didn’t I think of that before? I

Senior Year--Sleepover

At school the next day, all Will could talk about was our new job moving the yardage markers at the varsity football game. He and I would pull the chains. We just needed a third for the first down marker. My interest was high in being so close to the guys on the varsity team. But given my blowing off of the very hunky and very good looking quarterback Joey Collucci because I was a little

Senior Year--The library bathroom

The next day at school I was barely able to concentrate. Such was my state of anticipation over being able to have a private tutoring session with the far-too-beautiful-for his-own-good hunky Italian quarterback of the football team. I thought about our deal. I would help him get a paper on World War I done for class. For repayment, Joey Collucci would teach me to play football.

Senior Year--The quarterback

By my senior year of high school, my fate was sealed. I would not play shortstop—or even right field—for the Dodgers. I was more the teacher’s pet brainiac than the jock. While I totally loved sports, I could not will myself into an athlete. My skills were just no match for the top guys at my school; the ones with the chiseled bodies. To me, their hair was perfect even a little messed

Senior Year--Will and Andy and T.J. Get High

Joey dropped me off at home just before 9:00 the next morning. Even though I’d had only a few hours sleep, I felt great. I told him I hoped he could make it through practice. Opening the passenger door to get out, I thanked him and asked if I could keep up the History tutoring. “Shit, yeah, dude. If I’m gonna pass History and graduate this damn school, I’ll need you.” “For sure?”


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